Kreme Kuickies – Krempoo & Konditioner Ad

Krempoo and Konditioner AdAs I was working on the Kreme Kuickie called Krempoo & Konditioner, I decided to create an ad for this amazing new product that reveals all of its benefits!

While other products talk about what they will do for your hair, Krempoo & Konditioner gives more than bounce… a lot more than bounce in a lot of places they don’t think about.

Of course there is some fine print, but what product on the market today doesn’t come with those?

So, as an additional tasty treat… Here’s the ad.

You can find the story is on Smashwords for only 99 cents!

You can also find it on Amazon here!

This could be the beginning of a new line of specially created products by Kreme InKorporated… You just never know.

Keep watching for more from The Kreme…