The latest Kreme Kustom Single has arrived!
Abby Snow is a highly successful intern starting out in the world of financial planning. She’s got skills that those twice her age don’t have when it comes to saving a buck.
While she’s never been focused on looks or seen herself as the girl men enjoy a second glance at, Abby finds things quickly changing after she looks into a new source of online savings called Kreme’s Koupons.
By the end of the week, a whole new Abby is seeing new ways of being truly and unashamedly cheap.
Abby is all about her career, starting out as an intern in financial planning, which anyone can tell you is her specialty. She’s only just recently graduated college where everyone who knew Abby could recite verbatim the story of the time Abby saved 90% on a $200 grocery bill. How did she do this? Coupons of course. Abby is an avid proponent of finding every coupon you can and using them to cut bills much more than just in half.
As a financial planner Abby is already sure she’ll help pass her expertise and knowledge on to others, but she’s still all about discovering new ways to save. When an opportunity to attend a company retreat at her office the upcoming weekend falls in her lap, Abby goes on a search for the next big thing, the way to save that she can pass on to the big guys in charge.
That’s how she discovers a site online called Kreme’s Koupons. By signing up to Kreme’s Koupons, all her online shopping will be made that much easier. Every time she browses online looking for something to purchase, the Kreme’s Koupon add-on will pop up a promotional Koupon for savings on that item or type of purchase. All she has to do is click the Koupon and see if it’s worth the buy.
Signing up for Kreme’s Koupons is free, and many of the Koupons come with bargain bonuses, bonuses too good to pass up as Abby sees it. Maybe the places these Koupons lead her are stores and businesses she ordinarily wouldn’t visit or have much interest in but Abby always puts savings first.
Shopping for new clothes, Abby finds that Koupons can help fill out her wardrobe, even if it changes how she typically dresses. Her new style begins to expose more creamy white skin and that skin looks more and more plain. Fortunately there are Koupons for other things, like tattoos and piercings, the perfect way to decorate on a budget. The Koupons become more and more a part of her every waking thought, the thrill of saving truly becoming pleasurable. As the weekend nears, Abby is finding out just what the power of savings can be and what it truly means to be cheap.
One thing is certain, Abby will make a very big bang at the company retreat, and it’s one bang every man there will take note of… besides taking part in. Abby might just end up more Klipped than the Koupons but everyone likes a girl who knows the value of a dollar and how to cheapen herself to their enjoyment.
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