Terry Taylor was laughed at in college, his ideas so out there no one paid him any real attention. Ridiculed by teachers, by the Dean, even behind his back by his best friend, Terry pushed past it all and succeeded more than they could have dreamed.
In less than a year, Liqui-cloth, the nano-technology programmable clothing, has become a worldwide sensation, and now Terry has returned to campus to settle a few scores.
Liqui-cloth when worn can allow those who wear it to be programmed as well. Three women are about to find their minds melting with the heat only Terry can control.
One thing no one on campus ever would have accused Terry Taylor of is having a mind for fashion. A Mind for bio-mechanics, sure, a mind for math, maybe, a mind for the sciences of course, but never would anyone say the somewhat fatally geek Terry Taylor would be the next big name in fashion.
Humiliated at times, ridiculed by most, Terry Taylor proved everyone wrong and in less time than many college courses took to be instructed he invented and found worldwide success in Liqui-cloth.
What is Liqui-cloth? To most it has quickly become the latest fad, the mysterious goop that can be purchased, slapped on the skin and then programmed to take the shape of nearly limitless possible fashions.
The true genius is that hardly anything is better for the planet than Liqui-cloth. Replacing machine sewn clothing, Liqui-cloth is composed of millions of nano-machines, microscopic molecular technology that in simple terms bonds together on a microscopic level to take on the appearance and texture of clothing. Need a change of size? No problem, just program it into your online profile which communicates via airlink technology to the Liqui-cloth already on your skin. Desire a change of pattern, thickness, comfort, color, nearly any conceivable detail? The Liqui-cloth does it all. One single Liqui-cloth outfit can replace an entire closet since it can be reshaped, reprogrammed any number of times.
There is only one single tiny side effect of wearing it… a side effect only Terry Taylor knows.
Now Terry Taylor has returned to the university where his research all began, where the most successful invention of the century first was dreamed up, and often ridiculed. Terry, who never saw even the slightest chance of popularity merely a year ago, is ready to capitalize on the instant popularity of Liqui-cloth and one teeny tiny side effect no one has ever considered.
Nobody would ever think twice about Liqui-cloth nano-machines absorbing into the skin, and even so, they’d assume like Terry did that the nano-technology fails to work once absorbed. He learned early in testing that a tiny and often imperceptible portion of the microscopic building blocks which give Liqui-cloth its shape shifting and on the go programming ability leeched directly into the bloodstream of the wearers. Unknown to any of the millions wearing a Liqui-cloth outfit, Terry Taylor can now reprogram much more than just the clothes on someone’s back. He can quite literally reprogram the wearer into whatever he imagines.
His return to campus is not just to relive the hurdles he fought past to succeed with Liqui-cloth. Terry’s ambitions are no less than fittingly justified revenge against three women who nearly ruined his success before it happened, and the revenge will fit them as only the finest fashions could.
An attractive professor who publicly ridiculed Terry for such an unthinkable idea as programmable clothing will find that the student has become the teacher, and Terry has many new lessons planned for her. The Dean of students whose overbearing strict conservative manner cost him the use of school labs for development and nearly destroyed his research will find herself selling off more than just her conservative values. Finally, the worst of them all, the brainy class president he once considered his closest and only friend will see what it’s like to have betrayed that friendship in favor of her own success.
The world has embraced Liqui-cloth, and now Terry Taylor is setting out to show that what you wear can truly define you. What you wear is what decides whether the world sees you as professional, conservative, intelligent… and what three particular women wear is about to change, almost as much as they are.
The best thing about having a mind for fashion, is changing others.
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