Sunny Dispositions are all natural!

SunnyDispositions by Kris P. Kreme

Sunny Dispositions by Kris P. Kreme

Lauren is eighteen and going through what her parents desperately hope is just a goth phase. Dark makeup, dark hair, dark attitude; it all proves too much for Melanie her mom.

Melanie and her husband Ben decide to try some parent trickery by replacing Lauren’s sunscreen she uses each day with a product called Sunny Dispositions. Reportedly it has a blend of natural ingredients to improve attitude and social behavior.

Over the next month, Lauren becomes more than just social. She becomes the most popular girl on their block, for all the wrong reasons.


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Both Melanie and her husband Ben have been increasingly concerned over their eighteen year old daughter Lauren lately. It’s her senior year and unlike so many other girls in the neighborhood her age, she’s become moody and unsocial, keeping to herself, hardly even talking to friends much less her parents.

Where Melanie would have shined at Lauren’s age, popular and healthy, a center of attention with positive attitudes about just about everything in life, Lauren has been going through some goth phase, dying her hair black, staying so out of the sun that she looks even paler than her already naturally pale complexion. She’s moody and alone, hardly even saying a few words before spending most time alone in her equally dark and drab room.

It’s been a concern for a while and Melanie just can’t help but feel hopeless, watching the other girls Lauren’s age out in the neighborhood doing normal fun things at the beginning of fall. Like his wife, Ben has shared the concern, been quite aware of the changes as his little girl grew up and started becoming darker, both in how she dressed and how she acted. Having known his wife might appreciate the support, Ben found something online that might… just might help.

The product is called Sunny Dispositions, and while Ben is still a bit skeptical and concerned for the complete safety of an unregulated all natural product, Melanie is quick to jump at the possibility of helping her beautiful young moody daughter to be a little bit more normal. Sunny Dispositions reportedly provides full SPF protection under sunlight while being formulated with a natural blend of neuro-enhancers and mood stimulants to encourage healthy attitudes and as the name says, a sunny disposition even when not under the sun.

Melanie knows that her daughter is quite regular with her sunscreen, at least somewhat to keep her complexion but also due to the depressing goth phase she currently is stuck in. She also knows that it might be tricking Lauren to replace her sunscreen with this stuff but it really can’t make things any worse can it?

Ben lets his wife talk him into trying it and they both figure it is just for their daughter’s benefits, to hopefully in some way help her enjoy life more and have a more outgoing social attitude towards others.

Over the next four weeks, everyone will notice as Lauren’s attitude, behavior, and entire outlook on life and her place in it begins to change. Week by week as she regularly applies the sunscreen morning and night, Lauren mostly notices the secret chats her parents seem to be having, convinced they are keeping a secret from her.

Over time, Lauren decides to go back to her natural hair color, decides to smile more, to be more open to people, and ultimately discovers that there are things she never knew about herself when she was not socializing. One big thing, is that Lauren… despite never knowing it before… might just be a skanky girl, a girl one guy isn’t good enough for but several is perfect.

Sunny Dispositions is an all natural product with side effects reported in only one percent. For parents, Melanie and Ben, they are about to meet the one percent that lives under their very own roof.


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