Kustom Kreme Kommissions

Kreme Kustom Tale pic

Would you like to have a story kustom written by the Kreme?

I offer a kustom story service for my fans!

I have certain rules which are that whatever the story is about, there cannot be any themes involving murder or death, nor should any of the characters in the story be under 18 years of age.

All else is negotiable with me, and my writing style covers a wide range of subjects and themes.

My story rate is negotiable, but in general my kustom stories are between 4000 and 5000 words in length and my fee is based on that length of story.

If you’d like to contact me, please fill in the contact form below with some basic information about the story you would like to have, and I’ll get back to you with more specific information!


Thanks for your interest!


Kris P. Kreme