The Trance is now complete on Bimbo Story Club!

Trance-tory Takeover Promo imageOne of the longest running comic series on Bimbo Story Club has finally been completed! The Kremey goodness of well over one hundred pages of mind control body changing goodness that is the hallmark of the Kreme.

The Trance-tory Takeover has come to its conclusion!

As long time readers will know, the mysterious and powerful Trance-tory Industries has slipped by under the radar, becoming one of the most powerful corporate entities in the world, integrating themselves into daily life for millions of consumers. There is barely a home around that doesn’t feature a Trance-tory product or service and the time has finally come for the takeover to happen.


Victor Hawthorne, man behind the Trance-tory success is unleashing the ultimate plan, the motto of his company coming true as they provide and conquer. As Victor sees it if sex sells, then controlling sex will control the consumer and that will be the most dominant takeover in corporate history.

The plan unfolds in stages, and stage one is telecommunications, where we follow one girl’s journey from innocent and sweet to perverse and nasty, all by way of some seemingly simple signal tests on her cell phone over the course of a number of nights. Stage one is only the beginning, and if what happens to sweet Megan is a sign of coming success, Trance-tory will be taking over in no time.

Enjoy the very first of the Kreme’s Klassic series to be fully illustrated and complete!

Find this, and many more Kreme stories on the Bimbo Story Club!Partial Page Preview

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    • Playerprime on August 9, 2016 at 2:29 am

    I could have read the final chapter but nope! My credit card expired and lost my subscription…no matter, this being full completed, same straight I want a copy!

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