When Scott and his much younger wife Kelly take a ride on a sleigh which glides into their gated neighborhood, the ride may just take them places they never wanted to go.
Kelly has always gotten everything she wanted with a patented pouty look, but those lips may be more than pouting after this sleigh is revealed to conceal more than a few threats to everything she and her rich hubby know.
Kris-mas brings a new meaning to Ho Ho Ho to start the 12 Days this holiday season.
Scott is a successful business man with everything a man could want, but this Christmas season those other men may end up getting something he never intended to share.
Kelly is much more than just Scott’s trophy wife, she’s half his age and she has a habit of getting everything she asks for, including not so many years ago for Scott to break it off with his first wife and marry her. Whenever there is anything she thinks Scott is resistant to letting her have her way with, a simply pout and those big doe eyes and Kelly is getting just what she wants.
This year a chance encounter with something Kelly can’t resist might just have a town full of random men getting to have their way with her… at only the slightest cost. And it all starts a cold snowy morning in their gated neighborhood when Scott is reluctant to let Kelly wear such skimpy clothing out on their special day together.
Naturally Kelly pouts to get her way and comfort be damned she’s going to wear the outfit of her choice, which admittedly Scott knows shows off her best features. Still, it’s as they are about to leave home that a big beautiful Christmas sleigh glides into the cul-de-sac near them, large horse and mysterious bundled up driver. A mere pout and whine later and Scott is relenting to approach and ask about possibly a ride together around the neighborhood, something romantic and special for the wife who gets everything she asks for.
It isn’t until they are on the sleigh, sliding off through the snow, that something is clearly revealed to be not quite right. At first it seems Kelly simply goes silent, the slight content moan seeming fairly ordinary from a girl like Kelly. But then not far into the ride, Scott realizes the usually talkative woman hasn’t said a word, and is staring off into space, just the slight smile as the vibrations of the sleigh ride and little on board heater keep her comfy.
Someone has just come to the neighborhood for a very specific purpose, someone on a sleigh, and like it or not, that someone is going to be the ones having their way today. Is the mysterious woman driving the sleigh up to no good on otherwise merry couples like Scott and Kelly, or is this far more personal?
Just what has happened to his beautiful young wife and is the same thing happening to him? Only one thing is certain and that is that before this day is over Kelly will be getting much much more than she ever asked for, and every man she meets will be taking a ride, even if it isn’t on the sleigh.
On the first day of Kris-mas, have a Ho Ho Whore of a good time in this seasonal mystery which steams up the cold in record time.
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