There’s some fireworks in the Grab Bag…

The Grab Bag #21 - Screwed by the Economy and Independence Déjà Vu by Kris P. Kreme

The Grab Bag #21 – Screwed by the Economy and Independence Déjà Vu by Kris P. Kreme

Summer sales are here, and you better hope you aren’t on clearance when the economy gets you down. Of course you may just have the feeling you’ve been here and done her before this Independence Day. Another double dose of Kreme is on the barbecue menu this summer.


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This Grab Bag includes:


Screwed by the Economy

Everyone at Curious Collectibles is sad to see the final day of business, the economy having forced an end to their unique sales. However on the day of the ultimate clearance sale where everything including the fixtures is open for purchase, Sarah will discover that those fixtures might just include her.


Independence Déjà Vu

For Megan, graduation from college meant freedom, the ultimate independence from a life planned and scheduled for nearly her entire life. She sees something on the way into town that shakes everything about her independence. People she knows and people she doesn’t know are doing perverted inappropriate things in public and the biggest mystery for Megan is why it all feels so familiar.


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