Get dressed up for HallowKreme

The Devil's Dress by Kris P. Kreme

The Devil’s Dress by Kris P. Kreme

Plotting a cruel prank on an innocent picked on girl from their school, Skye Davis and Veronica Castille are taking things too far.

They plan to trick poor Alicia into wearing a cursed dress which reportedly brings suffering and tragedy to all who wear it. The dress is called The Devil’s Dress, but what neither could ever imagine is what happens when an unselfish virginal girl slips that dress on.

Sometimes a bully gets what’s coming to them… and sometimes, as in the case of Skye and Veronica, what’s coming to them involves freakish transformations, and equally freakish amounts of cum.


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Alicia has never intentionally hurt anyone, never would dream of doing so, and has always been a shy picked on girl in her school. It’s in those school hallways where she often hears the evil bitchy voices of Skye and Veronica. However it isn’t at school where fate is about to flip things totally around for her.

The traveling Halloween carnival returns to their town each year during the month of October, and this year Alicia thought it might be a fitting place to escape her regular humiliating daily nightmare. The last people she expected to bump into were the self appointed queen bitch of campus, Skye Davis, and her rich bitch friend Veronica Castille.

What poor Alicia could never suspect is that their encounter is nowhere near as annoying as blonde bitch Skye pretends it to be, the girls and their dates at the carnival with an agenda to result in the ultimate humiliation of Alicia, or as they call her the loser.

No one questions Skye when she has a plan for picking on poor pathetic things like Alicia, and her plan this time is a step too far, plotting to steal a reportedly cursed red dress from one of the tents at the carnival and trick Alicia into wearing it.

As Skye and Veronica tell their dates, Brad and Taylor, the Devil’s Dress as it has been called was reportedly created with the silk of deadly spiders, dyed with virgin blood, and was made to be the wedding dress of only the most fitting bride of the devil.

Every woman who ever dared wear this dress throughout history supposedly suffered serious trauma, tragedy, or humiliation, and that is where the plan for poor Alicia comes into play.

Although Brad and Taylor seem more fascinated by the very lifelike mannequin the dress is currently on, they will be instrumental in getting Alicia to wear it. Skye and Veronica plan to confront the loser of campus and intentionally spill slushies all over her, ruining the sad pathetic clothes she has on.

Brad and Taylor will then approach as helpful apologetic gentlemen, offering the incredible red dress as a peace offering, making up whatever story they want about why they had it.

The cruel plan goes off flawlessly, but is there more to all of this than evil bitches can possibly plan for? Just why is the mannequin so lifelike which wears the dress before Brad and Taylor swipe it? Just what happens when a truly innocent soul slips that dress on? And will Skye and Veronica be the latest of mysterious disappearances which surround the cursed items of this traveling Halloween carnival?


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Coming next.. Get bimboed on HallowKreme…