A friendly middle-aged sales rep for the retail chain Bust Buy had his world turned upside down on what was to be a standard trip to a tech expo.
He met a man with an experimental remote control, tested it one stormy night on his cheap hotel television, and somehow he woke after a fluke lightning strike with the ability to transform moments of his life into live porn.
All the porn laws apply, turning women flawless, slutty, into the stereotypes only porn gets away with, and all it takes is one look at his exposed massive cock. Now just Days Later… Luke is returning to work back at Bust Buy.
Something happened to Luke Berry on what was intended to be a weekend tech expo hosted of all places in Hell, Michigan. It wasn’t something hellish though, and since the day he finally accepted the blessing of a curse he was given, life has been full of reasons to get up each day.
Of course mostly what gets up is Luke’s massive cock, the once ordinary everyday friendly sales rep for the tech store Bust Buy changed forever by the unlikely combination of lightning, a cheap old television, and an experimental universal remote control.
He struggled at first to resist the influences, the fact that merely one glance at his impressive nude cock would instantly rewrite a woman into the pornographic version of herself. He eventually gave in, enjoying the spontaneous porn his daily life could become.
Whether it was the average everyday maid in that hotel becoming a slutty French Maid, or whether it was his son’s busty blonde yet smart as sin girlfriend becoming a brainless bimbo, Luke Berry quickly grew a passion for the changes as much as the pornographic extremes of the sex he was having.
Now.. just days later, he is finally returning to work, back to Bust Buy, where from now on, Luke aims to bust a lot more than low prices, particularly with the women who shop.
Will Luke Berry whip out the charm in his pants to sell a mother and daughter on more than just a boombox? Will he have a lot more than words with the twenty-two year old cutie working the service desk? Or will Luke find the stamina for everything, even taking a break to visit the friendly threesome running a charity church car wash across the street from the store?
Luke Berry’s life is porn now, and if you’ve seen porn, you can probably imagine the answer heard most often of all… yes, yes, and yes.
Days Later explores favorite tales just days after the original story ends, when the action is fresh, and the action is far from over.
Soon… It will be Days Later… for Donnie and Desda…
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