Days after the Flipping Fate of New King City was realized at the hands of evil genius Mickey Morno, three students return from an out of state educational challenge.
Jessica, Marissa, and Casey were celebrating a win against brilliant young minds from around the country, but it’s not a celebration they find stepping through the doors of New King Academy.
The halls are quiet, lockers dented in, condoms littering the floor, and before they can even process it, grunting cavemen that were once chess club members are chasing with thuggish intentions.
An all new Flipping Fate awaits the best and brightest of New King Academy.
Over 11,000 Words of Kreme!
Just days ago, the fate of New King City was sealed. Once a destination of progress and hope, protected by actual heroes, their fate has been flipped upside down at the hands of Mickey Morno.
The once nerd finally hit on the ultimate in solutions to his destiny of going nowhere and getting nothing but disrespect. A formula, a very potent formula he developed and perfected solved everything. Once exposed to this formula, all the little metaphorical switches within a human brain switched, toggled from good to evil, from virtuous to whorish, from one interest to the very opposite interest.
Just days ago, Mickey Morno with the help of a flipped counselor at New King Academy, the beautiful Jillian Ross, took down the future of New King City. She reveled in her lustful pride at exposing the fellow teachers and students to Mickey’s formula, watching chaos descend into the halls as prep school girls were eagerly violated, as there became no more room for learning and only for fucking in the halls of the once prestigious academy.
Yet days later, a few stragglers have returned. Out of town for a week long Educational Elite Competition, three of the best and brightest New King Academy had to offer have just exited the cab from the airport, standing at the foot of the steps to their school, steps littered for some reason with trash
Jessica James, youngest and unofficial leader of their educational challenge team will find her academic brilliance overwhelmed by a problem all three, herself, Marissa, and the introverted shy boy Casey, face. The mystery only grows once they enter the school, discovering no one, only chaos, signs of rather thuggish struggles, discarded condoms by the dozen.
Something happened to their school while they were away, but exactly what could have happened to explain what they see now? And why on earth is the biggest surprise threat they face, a roving crazed group of once nerdy chess club members, now grunting horny cavemen that seem about the most opposite to the way they once were?
Casey has always sought to protect and defend his two fellow geniuses, but in the end will Casey discover a flipped side of himself with zero interest in protection, particularly for the plans he has with Jessica and Marissa involved?
The Flipping Fate of New King City has left a chaotic world where education fell, but can the most educated among the former New King Academy students somehow think their way out of the situation they find themselves trapped within?
Find out in an all new Days Later… and find out just how few days it takes to truly flip out.
Soon… Days Later… Will Return…
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