There’s a chill in the air… but maybe that chill is from fear as this month’s Selfies takes readers on a terrifying ride, whether it’s a ride spinning a magical bottle or a bus ride straight to Hell.
This Selfies includes:
Getting Spun: On Halloween, teens gather for a friendly version of Spin the Bottle. Instead of kissing they will challenge each other to act out their costumes. Things quickly get perverse and friendly becomes kinky. This bottle is unique, feeding off twisted challenges that corrupt these friends. It isn’t the bottle that gets spun, it’s the players.
Highway to Hell: A breakdown in the desert leaves Derrick in the hellish heat, listening to his wife, Susanna, bitch constantly all the way back to a bus station. They both only want to cool off and get where they were going. However things are just heating up and nobody on board the midnight bus is ending up where they thought, thanks to a mysterious man calling himself Mr. Bub.
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