Cold weather is here, but that doesn’t make the Kreme any less hot. Working out can burn some calories but that fancy workout App may leave you thirsty… especially when your App gets infected by a Spermbot. If that’s not hot enough, maybe a little romance on the big day is in order. Just make sure the vows you read are the vows you wrote.
This Selfies includes:
Spermbot: Trance-tory takes over the Tech industry with the latest of debug services for phone app bots. Unfortunately Paula, the fittest woman in the gym, fails to take the warnings of an invasive Spermbot seriously and she may just end up paying a thirsty price. As a result, her workout today may just be ending with one hell of a bang, her thirst unquenchable but by a quite specific intake of fluids.
The Strength of your Vows: Stopping on the way to his wedding to help a stranded motorist, Jonathan meets an appreciative old gypsy man. In thanks for his kindness, the man bestows a special blessing, ensuring that the strength of Jonathan’s vows will be absolute and unbreakable. Unfortunately Jonathan’s best man plays a prank on him by handing him fake vows, purposely written to be insulting and perverse.
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