A good Grab Bag needs plenty to get your hands on, and this month you could get more than you can handle. But don’t let that concern get you down, Cheer Up, or let Chloe cheer you up as only she can do by the end of her tale. Then witness the masterful mental mesmerism of Mister Master, a hypnotist who reminds his biggest fan… there are rules that can’t be broken but can certainly be bent in entertaining ways, just like she can.
This Grab Bag Includes:
Booby Trapped: Cheering UP the Crowd: Chloe is the girl with everything to lose, but she’s only gaining in this twisted tale. But just who’s behind it, and could any of this have something to do with her quirky top heavy friend, Zoe? After all Zoe seems to say the same happened to her a few years back. It’s the biggest Booby Trapped ever… in more ways than one.
Bending the Rules: Everyone knows there are rules to hypnosis, impossible to break, set in the stone of one’s mind. No one will do under hypnosis what they would not do otherwise… but what if you could bend those rules, bend them just enough to get exactly what you wanted? But when Annabeth becomes a volunteer, her own mind may end up broken as all the rules are bent and she becomes a more entertaining girl.
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