It’s still possible to Grab something

The Grab Bag #45 - SINtendo WoMANNEQUINizer & The FLICK Puppet by Kris P. Kreme

The Grab Bag #45 – SINtendo WoMANNEQUINizer & The FLICK Puppet by Kris P. Kreme

Life may be non-grabby right now with social distancing… but you can still Grab yourself some fun. Dolls are for little girls but big girls make the best dolls as you’ll see in these twisted tales. Erica never took seriously her boyfriend’s career of game testing until she became that game. And Samantha was always the sweet neighborhood girl until an evil puppet started pulling her strings.

This Grab Bag Includes:

SINtendo WoMANNEQUINizer: Bitching and complaining and threatening to break up with her game tester boyfriend, Adam, Erica never imagines the guy she suckered in could get even. Fortunately for Adam a new SINtendo game offers to WoMANNEQUINize his girlfriend, transforming her into a kinky plastic mannequin for his enjoyment… as well as the enjoyment of everyone else.

The FLICK Puppet: Samantha is sweet and carefree, vibrant red hair as gorgeous as her attitude and on an otherwise ordinary day she’ll discover that shopping at a place called Curious Curiosities can have curious repercussions. Finding an antique puppet, Samantha begs to buy it for her mom. The old man sells it to her but with a severe warning never to look too long into the puppet’s eyes.


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