On the eleventh day of Krismas, fitness gets freaky.
Jack and Hazel are a young fit married couple looking forward to their first Christmas as husband and wife. Each of them has always had a passion for fitness, though Hazel is dominant and bold in her ambitions while her husband is quieter, more easygoing, a soft-spoken guy it takes a lot to get a rise out of.
But after Hazel has the fun idea of trying FitBET for Christmas, fitness tracking bracelets linked to apps on their phones where they bet on the other’s progress week by week… she may end up getting too big a rise out of Jack for her body to handle.
Over 10,000 Words of Kreme!
It’s Hazel and Jack’s first Christmas as a married couple, but this year what begins as a fun month long fitness focused gift may just take more than it gives. You can bet though that the new FitBET bracelets the always exercising Hazel ordered for the both of them will make their marriage quite the open and exciting marriage before New Year’s Day arrives.
On the first of December, Hazel is excited to see that the special bonus she ordered with their monthly health supplements arrived. Both Hazel and Jack have always had a passion for fitness, jogging, exercising, keeping in shape… but little could they ever suspect just what shapes they may be in by the end of the month all thanks to the limitless power of some rather innocent looking little glowing bracelets called FitBET bracelets.
As Hazel explains in her always smirking confident way, she figured they could use a special gift that lasts more than just one day of the year, so she found FitBET, an alternative to the more common fitness tracking bracelets. FitBET is a couples option, each of them having a bracelet, and they have apps linked to the bracelets on their phones. Each week they can make bets on what the other will or won’t be able to do, such as running a certain distance, burning a certain amount of calories. At the end of the week, rewards are given for achieving and winning the bets, but punishments result from missing them or failing to do what they are bet they can’t or can do.
As Jack points out, it’s like little virtual pets, each of them having a cartoon avatar on their phone, and those avatars are how rewards and punishments are applied… or so they think.
After the first week of wearing the FitBETs, Hazel’s work calling in kept her from accomplishing a couple of the three bets Jack made about her weekly fitness performance. But Jack rose to the occasion and met or exceeded all bets made, impressing his sexy but frequently dominating wife. Yet when Hazel goes to give Jack’s avatar a reward, figuring he earned it, thinking she can choose one from the unlocked adult content… she never knows just what sort of monster she may be unleashing.
Giving her husband’s avatar an enormous freaky half horse dick, she and he both are shocked as he instantly explodes out from his pants, actually gaining the most freakishly large looking dick they ever have seen. But in gaining such an impossible thing, in experiencing what such a thing feels like, has Jack also been corrupted by the urges and desires such a thing unleashes in his usually soft-spoken quiet mind?
Seeking revenge, Hazel still in shock, he gives her a fitting reward as well, huge tits no woman can jog with, and then come the two punishments she is owed, punishments that push perversity well beyond all the laws of physics and lead to actions that truly have Jack enjoying his wife like never before.
But merely one week has gone by; what will the month of December mean for Jack and Hazel’s happy marriage, for their fitness… for their planned family Christmas dinner? It all may be too much for Hazel to handle, and not enough to satisfy the monster she made of her husband Jack, and they may just be giving more to their neighbors… to strangers, to everyone than they ever planned.
Hazel just wanted to be fit, but for Christmas she got Fitbitched, and Jack got fittingly corrupted, and it all leads to an explosive point that may just change their marriage forever.
Krismas presents one of two special full-length tales, a tale that takes the entire month to truly work-out all the issues in a young marriage, and tests the limits of fitness like never before.
Next in Krismas…
It’s been a Happy Krismas!
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