Reality can be Mental

Mental Quakes by Kris P. Kreme

Mental Quakes by Kris P. Kreme

Cade Wheeler seldom visits town, living isolated in the mountains for more years than he remembers. But there is a reason he has lived such an isolated life… and that reason may just be the undoing of everyone in the small cafe he finds himself in.

Exposed as a kid to a kind of mental shrapnel that fractured abilities he was never meant to have into him, Cade Wheeler is prone to the kind of recurring headaches that can destroy all decency.

Mental Quakes, he has called them, and they begin in stages, always when attractive women are around. Unfortunately for Cade, the cafe happens to be full of such temptations and his fight to prevent a major quake may be failing.


This work has been removed from Smashwords and Amazon due to a publishing issue. I hope to return it to being available as soon as possible.



Over 9,000 Words of Kreme!

Cade Wheeler is about the shake the very foundations of all things decent, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

When Cade Wheeler wasn’t even twelve years old, his mother sat him down to explain why she had to leave, essentially why he would have to be alone most of his life. His father had been a man of great mental control, a control that fractured their family, a power he used to create pills that were supposed to solve everything… but more that occasionally stirred everything up.

The scientific breakthroughs of Cade Wheeler’s father were shunned by many in society, but the power of his mental pills was known by the sordid underbelly of that society. The men had planned on breaking in and stealing those pills for their own gain in power. But as with any break in, Cade’s father had caught them in the act and an exchange of his own kind of gunfire had happened. Not physical but mental abilities battled, and during the crossfire of mental blasts, young Cade had been hit by the equivalent of mental shrapnel.

The attack that night had put Cade in a coma for months, but when he awoke it was known that as he grew the equivalent of mental plates within his head would shift. They would press together and occasionally cause what became known as Mental Quakes.

Cade Wheeler grew and developed mental powers unknown even to those who took his father’s pills, scary abilities that ultimately left him living an isolated life in the mountains alone, where nobody could be caught and forever changed by one of his Mental Quakes.

But today finds Cade Wheeler during one of the rare visits to town, seated in a small cafe, trapped because of a situation he never could have predicted.

Sipping his coffee, he can feel the rumblings of a quake, hoping against all hope it will merely be a slight tremor. But attractive women have always caused his control to slip, ever since one of his earliest crushes was caught in a full quake and corrupted into something obscene and depraved.

Somehow on the day he ventured into town just to get that slight touch of human contact, and the day he stopped in for some coffee at the small cafe, a traveling group of Greysville High School cheerleaders happened to be stopping for lunch. And now he finds himself surrounded by more than just the attractive waitresses, but far too many giggling, girlish, nubile temptations.

His control is slipping, and as he struggles to avoid what seems more and more inevitable, Cade will fight to avoid the stages he has come to fear… titty tremors, brain storms, and finally full on corruption quakes.

Just how long can Cade hold on in a smalltown cafe surrounded by big temptations? And what will happen to the patrons of this cafe, their minds… their bodies… their decency?

Find out in a twisted tale of the one man who wishes he didn’t have to control the world.


This work has been removed from Smashwords and Amazon due to a publishing issue. I hope to return it to being available as soon as possible.



Koming next… Well she’s Neighborly