Trying to bond with his eighteen year old son Gray, Brad takes him to the new Trance-tory Tech-n-Toys in their town.
When his son happens to be the one-thousandth customer through the door, resulting in both of them winning a one-week trip through six Asian countries, they’ll get more bonding than they ever counted on.
Their trip is not just for fun, but to be the first to try out a new technology, the Trance-tory Trance-lator that they soon find makes more than communication effortless.
But will Brad and Gray lose all decency and restraint when every woman they speak to lusts over the sounds of their translated voices so much they’ll do whatever is asked of them?
Over 25,000 Words of Kreme!
Is that a giant Chinese balloon in the sky… nope, just an equally giant new Kustom Kreme tale that will take readers traveling the skies between six exotic Asian countries. Brad has been frequently frustrated by the inability to understand and bond with his only son, soon to be off to college. But after his son Gray becomes the one-thousandth customer to walk through the doors of their town’s new Trance-tory Tech-n-Toys, the both of them may find all new ways to bond during a week-long trip across the far east.
Gray is as typical an eighteen year old guy as there ever was, which means he’s more interested in girls than the old man trying to make sense of his son’s rebellious ways, and after winning the trip, needing an adult to accompany him, he isn’t that wild about spending a week traveling across Asia with his dad. The stops will be short as they have six countries to visit across just seven days, and there’s a very good reason for that.
Trance-tory Tech-n-Toys has not only given them first-class tickets to travel Japan, South Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines, but exclusive first-hand access to a revolutionary new invention soon to be sold by Trance-tory.
It’s called the Trance-tory Trance-lator, and when the tiny earbud device is worn, it promises to instantly translate every word spoken to the father and son into perfect English, even the names of those they meet, while at the same time translating every word they speak so that everyone will hear their words in the most fluent of their native language instantly. Promising to open up communication like never before, little do Brad and Gray suspect that it will actually open up possibilities and temptations they never had before.
As those who give them their Trance-lators explain, the technology also works to put whoever they speak to at ease, making them not only comfortable speaking with them but enjoyably relaxed. However, what even Trance-tory may never have anticipated was the effects high altitude jet take-offs and travel result in… which on their first flight to Japan sends a series of unexpected shocks into Brad and Gray.
But after the brief interference, everything seems fine and Brad and his son Gray are enjoying the amazing clarity everyone in Japan speaks to them, or even just around them. It’s like the entire country is speaking perfect English, and to everyone else they are speaking flawless Japanese. But when they encounter a few Japanese schoolgirls leaving a store they were about to enter, will a brief conversation turn into an all-night public orgy?
Something is making any girl they speak to much more than just at ease and comfortable. It’s turning them on, so much so that ordinary inhibitions, ordinary basic decency are gone, the girls open to anything Brad and Gray ask as long as they speak it in such fluent Japanese. And as much as Brad wants to be the responsible adult, the faithful husband to his wife back home, he and Gray are equally affected by the translated words those girls speak to them.
But was this just a fluke or have they just discovered the true and truly corrupting power of the Trance-tory Trance-lators in their ears? What will happen when they meet a far too perky Korean pop star on their next stop? In China will they take two Chinese daughters and put some of the western world inside them? Will Brad be able to rein in his rebellious horny son as well as his own unleashed desires for Asian flesh… or will they let loose for just the remainder of their weeklong trip? And what about Brad’s wife Connie and daughter Kylie back home? What will they think when the pair of bonding father, son, return?
You can shoot down giant balloons, but you just can’t shoot down the temptations a Trance-tory Trance-lator brings, more than 25,000 words of it!
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