Midway through June’s special night class finds her with only four students left, four young women whose futures may forever be changed by a special invitation only class and how they perform in it.
Delilah always wins, a confidence at defeating and scoring high in education and beyond. And tonight she will find herself with a whole new game to play after reading a twisted tale about a gamer girl whose stepbrother brings her an unbeatable game… one that may truly beat her into all new curvy shapes.
Alysa can play any game, but when one game plays her she might just become the perfect SINtendo Skanky Slut.
Class is reaching a whole new level midway through June’s special night course in all things literature. Only four students remain in a very odd class to say the least, and one competitive student feels like the less there are the better she is looking, hardly worried by the manuscript she gets assigned to read in place of the quiz the rest of the class will be taking.
Delilah has always been a focused confident girl, determined to not just do her best but exceed best, the play the game of education to the highest score. But tonight’s story she finds herself reading in class may send her own game glitching into places her imagination never dared, giving her all new twisted goals to play for, not to mention the enhancements her body needs to play that game.
Reading a twisted tale about a girl spending her summer before college relaxing and mastering every video game, proving the exception to the rule that gamer girls either don’t exist or are ugly losers. But when Alysa’s annoying gamer stepbrother Jordan turns up from college with a videogame he claims is unbeatable… will she soon find herself accepting much more than defeat?
Alysa always was the master of all video games, able to learn the control schemes, the tricks, the cheats, every method to dominate anything and everything gaming. But Jordan claims to have a game that no one can beat, a game where even the type of gameplay is unpredictable, changing for each player, a game with very specific rules Alysa must follow while playing… like playing the entire game standing up.
Having heard of the company Jordan says the game is made by, Alysa can only roll her eyes, having always thought SINtendo was a hack company for lonely losers… like Jordan. But she also has her pride at beating every game ever made. So against her best judgment Alysa starts the game, standing while playing, finding herself shaking her head at the ridiculous game simply called SINtendo Skanky Slut.
In Skanky Slut, the goal seems quite simple at first. She has a little stick figure representing her, and must steer it clear of the attacking dick minions, little dick shaped enemies that randomly fly in towards her, or try to jump her character as she moves about, ducking, dodging, and diving into mazes in what seems a random mix of old school gaming tropes.
But with the rule about four penalties losing her the game, and even a single touch from an enemy resulting in a penalty, Alysa may have fallen right into her stepbrother’s plan all along. As her first penalty strikes, she is frozen in place, only a non-player to the current game able to choose what penalty on screen is accepted, and when that penalty results in what seems an impossible physical change to Alysa herself… she knows this is a game she absolutely must beat.
What penalties will Jordan choose, and how will he slowly but surely reshape his stepsister into just the Skanky Slut his frat brothers wanted? Or will Jordan choose to keep Alysa for himself, sharing her with his dad, together both giving her more scoring than she can handle?
Don’t hate the player this June O June, hate the game with SINtendo Skanky Slut.
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