The Path can take you off track

Path-illogical: Getting off Track by Kris P. Kreme

Path-illogical: Getting off Track by Kris P. Kreme

Chase has spent hours hiking behind Lindsay as she attempts to befriend him. She’s barely seven years older but dating his father and Chase can’t stand the fact she’s probably playing his dad for a fool.

Chase soon realizes he was foolish assuming Lindsay knew anything about hiking the trails of Mount Madness, the both of them lost. Will this crisis further get them off track or bring them very much together?

Splitting up and looking for trail markers, they agree to meet back at a specific time. When Lindsay thinks certain ancient carvings on a cedar tree are trail markers, she walks just enough of the path to realize a surefire way of getting Chase to like her… a lot.


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Chase absolutely can’t stand the twenty-seven year old woman his dad has been dating, knowing she’s only batting her eyes and flirting to get whatever she wants, playing his dad for a complete sucker. But none of that has stopped Lindsay from dragging Chase up for a hike, wanting to learn more about her boyfriend’s college son while he’s out of school for the summer.

Hour after hour, they have been hiking the trails, Chase wishing a tree would simply fall and knock one of them unconscious to end the stupid attempts at pleasant conversation Lindsay keeps pushing.

Whether it’s trying to pry what interests Chase has or somehow trying to act as though they have more in common besides the fact both are somewhere in their twenties, Chase can’t stand the fact that Lindsay may be singlehandedly providing validity to the name Mount Madness.

But when Lindsay talks about how much she likes hiking, but has never hiked Mount Madness before, Chase can no longer just stay quiet and ignore whatever the blonde idiot his dad has dated says.

As he points out, an entire section of Mount Madness is off limits to hikers, and she has been leading the hike for hours now, Chase assuming she had some basic clue where the hell they were. Since he’s hiked Mount Madness before, Chase now finds himself with the frustratingly annoying task of finding their way back to the marked paths before they lose daylight as it can get dark fast on Mount Madness.

But when he decides on a plan, finding a very large centrally located oak tree, saying they should split up and walk in straight lines away from that tree, watching for any trail markers, Chase may just unknowingly send Lindsay onto a certain cursed path.

Having tried to get along, to just start out some sort of basic relationship with her boyfriend’s son right, Lindsay has made every effort not to get off track with him. After she finds what she believes are trail markers carved into a certain twisted arched cedar tree, Cindy takes a short walk past it to familiarize herself with what she believes must be the main path off Mount Madness.

But in her idle thoughts she is trying to find a way of better relating to Chase, of finding out what boys his age like, how she can just get off on the right track with him. And after she happens to spot some squirrels shifting from tackling play to something much more animalistically simple… Lindsay feels like she has just the solution to getting Chase to like her.

But how will Chase react when Lindsay returns and greets him shockingly with a kiss on the lips? How will he react when Lindsay explains that getting off is so much better a way to get along than getting off track in their relationship? And has Chase finally found a use for his dad’s girlfriend that will have him more than just enthused about their relationship?


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