Best listen carefully at HallowKreme

Trance-tory HeadFUNS by Kris P. Kreme

Trance-tory HeadFUNS by Kris P. Kreme

Audrey has prepared for becoming a serious journalist her entire life, and during the month of October, her junior year of college, the chance to prove herself has arrived.

For one night she will be running all content from the booth at the campus radio station, a media forgotten by most students, but an experience to test her talents for broadcasting.

Unfortunately for her, her talents may be more than tested, but changed entirely, as a whispering voice can be heard in the new Trance-tory HeadFUNS she wears in the recording booth… a voice that tells Audrey things about herself that never were true, but quickly become that and more.


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Audrey has been looking forward to tonight since she was a little girl, her first solo performance before a real audience, even if that audience will be limited to whoever accidentally has campus radio tuned in one October night at college.

Having dreamed of becoming a serious professional journalist her entire life, Audrey is determined to make tonight special, something scary good for anyone listening in during a spooky scary month. But will her success or failure come down to equipment mishaps and mistakes, and are they really mishaps at all, determining a new end goal for the lovely young journalism junior, Audrey?

Radio has become a forgotten media on campus these days, but each month for the entire year, one lucky broadcasting major is selected to spent an entire night in the campus radio station, only one tech and equipment assistant being another selected student. The goal is to put on a broadcast, to put content out that impresses the listeners and shows their chops as future journalists. For a new month, October, Audrey has been chosen and she is ready to give it her absolute best, topics and discussion planned between rounds of fitting seasonal spooky music.

Only one thing could mess up her plans, she thinks, and that thing may be the unfortunate partner in her sound equipment student assistant… Andrew.

Andrew has been the one student in all her journalism classes that somehow squeaked past on a barely made effort, never seeming that dedicated to the skills, and certainly not showing the motivations for success down the road that Audrey always does.

Still, even though Andrew has seemed like a screwup and spends more time talking to Audrey’s chest than her face, he seems to be making the effort. Everything is set up, ready and waiting, including some brand new headphones for her to wear in the radio broadcasting booth… something called HeadFUNS.

With Audrey in the booth, ready to make her debut into broadcasting, she presses a button, lowers the music and speaks up. But as she does, there is something annoying, a slight static in one ear, which she points out to Andrew outside the booth going back to music. He isn’t hearing the static so hopefully it isn’t broadcasting, but Audrey remains concerned, needing this to be as good a broadcasting as any student ever put together.

But when the next time she cuts in on the music to speak, Audrey hears not static but very faded words, almost seeming to be in response to what she says, the determined journalism major has all new concerns to deal with.

The voice said something about her always wanting to be a blonde, and when Andrew points out that she’s always been a blonde, something seems a little off. Was she really always a blonde?

Going back into her carefully planned Halloween themed broadcast, Audrey can still hear the raspy whispered voice beneath her own, even if Andrew says there’s nothing going out over the radio. But when the words and crude things spoken keep somehow becoming true, her chest much larger than she remembered, memories of being more than a bit slutty, certainly less academic, will Audrey figure out what the HeadFUNS are doing to her, why the voice is becoming clearer and sounding more and more like her own voice?

Something spooky is happening on campus radio this Halloween… and journalism major Audrey is there to break the news along with her own mind and motives in the process. Get ready for radio to make a comeback with Trance-tory this Halloween with the Kreme.


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Coming next… What’s that cost?