HallowKreme ends with something puzzling

The Puzzler by Kris P. Kreme

The Puzzler by Kris P. Kreme

Seeking their own Halloween adventure, three good girls find a bad fate waiting to be pieced together.

Exploring their historic college town, Emmy, Sylvia, and Lexi are not the girls college guys go for. Each has quirks and anxieties, but they stick together as friends, looking out for each other.

Finding a mysterious puzzle store downtown, open on Halloween night, the owner offers them a puzzle that may change everything.

The Puzzler looks like an old puzzle box, no image of what the pieces inside create. In reality the pieces will create a picture of very different lives these girls never wanted and may now be helpless to resist embracing once the pieces are in place.


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Emmy, Sylvia, and Lexi are three of the good girls from one sorority, the girls who still have respect for themselves at a time of year when slutty costumes, spiked punch, and regrettable consequences come all too easily. But just because they are sticking together doesn’t mean the pieces can’t fall apart thanks to a mysterious danger known only as The Puzzler.

With the ever-confident and innocent Emmy leading the way, the three diverse friends are off on a late night walk towards the small college town they live in. None of them know exactly what adventure they are seeking, just something innocent and fun, a Halloween night they won’t soon forget, but the sound of distant parties and wild revelers is not what these three should be avoiding on a night like this.

Intending to just explore the historic downtown by themselves, safely and away from everyone else, only Jeremy and Nico, two unpopular brothers from their college stand in their way. When they step out from an alley, scaring the girls, it seems like the night might not be going as well as planned. But after they run off, Emmy spots something down that alley she has never seen before… a mysteriously odd slender old store that seems to still be open.

Leading her friends to the door of this store, they read the title on the ancient looking glass, Paxton Philips, Proprietor and Purveyor of Puzzles.

Opening the door and heading inside, the place is as creepy inside as out, stacked puzzle boxes way above their heads, dimly lit by candles, and when a man calls out, they naturally ask if the place really is still open. Paxton Philips grins a crooked tooth grin and says he’s always open on Halloween night. He even says that his best customers each Halloween are given one free puzzle, to choose and assemble and Emmy decides that will be their unique Halloween adventure together, not that assembling a puzzle sounds all that exciting.

When they look around and find an ancient looking brown puzzle box all by itself on a pedestal, the mysterious shopkeeper tells them it is a very special puzzle, one where only a reflective foil is seen, no picture of what the puzzle may be of. According to him, The Puzzler is what it is called, and the picture when assembled reflects the fate of those that assemble it.

Taking the puzzle and finding a table in the candlelit store, Emmy, Sylvia, and Lexi begin to slowly piece together from the edges in. But are the pieces warmer than they should be? And as they each take a section and assemble it, studying the connecting pieces, are they seeing three figures within this mysterious puzzle that could somehow be themselves?

They’ve always fit together, always looked out for each other, and always been the good girls on campus, but will Emmy and her friends find their fates changing along with everything else about them when the puzzle they assemble presents what they always were… beneath the surface? And just what tempting twisted end will the girls find for their Halloween adventure?

Halloween with the Kreme ends with a mysterious new Kremey danger that will put all the perverse pieces in place to redefine Halloween on one college campus.


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And so HallowKreme 2023 comes to a close… Up next…

Krismas 2023!