June leaves with a purr

Pouncing Punishment by Kris P. Kreme

Pouncing Punishment by Kris P. Kreme

All month has led to this, the final meeting of a support group that rewrote the lives of eight strangers so far.

The final member of the group, Katherine, is about to discover the way to handle her troubles. Marrying a man with teenage sons, she hoped they would go to college giving her time for a proper honeymoon, but with them still living at home, Katherine has been forced to play maid and mother and she never wanted either.

Will her spirit animal the cat change punishment into pleasure and have her pouncing on new opportunities to deal with things? Could SINtendo somehow enhance that punishment? And what twisted surgery has June O been so excited about? Read and finally find out!


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An experiment in problem-solving has reached its conclusion on the night of the final support group meeting and where eight lives have been forever transformed, sometimes quite literally, tonight will give new meaning to nine-lives.

Katherine has come to every meeting, has seen the others come and go, supposedly not returning because they were so instantly and miraculously helped with their troubles by this reclusive writer who listens in by way of an odd conference call speaker device at the podium each meeting. But just what are the secrets behind that listening device… who is it manufactured by, and what has been the secret hidden cosmetic surgery goals of the hostess June O?

After tonight’s meeting, all answers will finally be revealed and the craziest conclusion ever might be in store for readers who have followed the June O June event series this year!

But first Katherine needs to get her time at the podium, and after the typical strange ramblings and mantra from June, she does just that, a woman with high-maintenance ideals, a strict diet and exercise regimen, but who married into a set of troubles she never could have imagined.

Katherine takes a lot of pride in her appearance and her regimented routines. She’s never had any children, but married a man in recent years with older teenage sons, sons she thought would be heading to college as soon as they reached eighteen, but now at eighteen and nineteen are still living at home, leaving Katherine to somehow handle their frequent disagreements and mess they seem to carelessly create all the time.

She knew Spencer was a package deal when she married him, but what Katherine didn’t know was that Spencer would be kept so regularly busy with his work that she was alone at home, picking up after and cleaning up the mess his sons Joey and Trey are causing. While Katherine had really hoped they would leave home and let her start the real honeymoon with Spencer, she’s now in the frequent position of having to play both maid and mother when she is quite happily neither.

After sharing her troubles with only June watching, the writer supposedly listening in, Katherine actually appreciates a suggestion from June since tonight happens to be one of those rare nights her husband will be home an hour or so after she gets home.

June suggests she head home, get dressed up in a sexy little number, go out dancing or drinking with her husband and finally get Spencer to listen as she tells him the troubles she is having with his sons. While she has tried talking to him before, June might have a point about Spencer listening more if she’s all dressed up and working the sexy angle on him.

Katherine even has the perfect idea what to wear, a sexy red dress Spencer loves, maybe the fishnets he also enjoys seeing her in. And so as the final meeting ends, Katherine not only has her spirit animal tale folded up in hand, but a plan of advice from June who while off the wall most the time definitely should know how to play up sexy to get her way.

When Katherine arrives home, the boys are as always arguing about something that she could care less about. But little does she know their argument and her spirit animal advice might soon collide in a comical but sexy way no one ever imagined. That’s because Joey and Trey happen to be arguing over a game Trey is insistent upon downloading, something a guy named Kevin linked him to… a SINtendo game.

Heading upstairs, thankful for insulation, Katherine is getting changed, and of course reading the spirit animal tale written just for her. According to the tale, her animal is the cat, and while most of the advice and analysis seems silly, she does have to admit it would be nice to sink her claws into a couple of boys and have them doing as she said once in a while.

After cleaning up and getting dressed in her sexiest outfit, Katherine is unfortunately overhearing the continuing video game argument, something ridiculous about Joey and Trey finally getting girls. And that is when she decides to lay down the law and shut them up.

But something is bothering her, something she can’t figure out, and it isn’t just her contacts blurring as she thinks. For some reason she is picking up tiny details she never noticed in the environment, and hearing their argument so clearly even from upstairs. And as she walks down the stairs, unaware of the slinky sexy sway of her hips, Katherine smells a rat… literally she thinks, until she finds herself sniffing out the source of her annoyance, a laptop and mouse left on the floor where anyone could have just tripped and fallen.

Deciding enough is enough, the messes, the arguments, Katherine is crawling sexily into the room where Joey and Trey argue over some freakish changes the game they downloaded somehow gave them… and all of them are in for some fun.

Baffled by Katherine crawling on hands and knees, unable to deal with their own enhancements, the boys are watching the sway of heavy breasts as the catlike Katherine crawls forth to punish them… to put them in their places. And as it turns out, their places happen to be underneath and behind her.

But what is happening with the increasing score in their video game, and what will happen to Spencer when he walks in on his wife playing more than catty games with his sons? What about June, is she meeting with the three men turned beastly in their own unique ways back at that church basement to take care of her own horny troubles? And just how were their lives entirely rewritten this month?

All will be revealed, including a twisted enhancement for June O like never before. Not every punishment has to be bad… especially a Pouncing Punishment to conclude this year’s June O June.


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And so comes to a close June O June 2024…

Starting July 1st – Reader’s Choice 2024!