SINtendo gets to take a Shot

SINtendo wifeEYE by Kris P. Kreme

SINtendo wifeEYE by Kris P. Kreme

A week of absolute frustrations and concerning thoughts and desires may finally find an explanation when frustrated wife Leah discovers the supposedly whole home smart router her husband Adrian installed in the attic.

Everything from electrical issues to plumbing troubles have plagued the house as it seems Adrian fell off the gaming addiction wagon and rediscovered SINtendo.

But has the SINtendo router setup been responsible for all the bizarre, crude, and downright depraved desires and thoughts Leah has been having? And will her describing those desires and standing so close to the router finally pair her husband’s soon to be favorite device… her?


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Hot Shots asks the question… does spotty wifi truly play games with your head? Or is it just SINtendo?

It has been a rough week for Leah, a wife at the end of her rope for patience with a husband who never seems to be around when she needs him, a husband who claimed installing a new smart router would make everything better.

Nothing has been better, whether it was the AC he paired with the router and somehow caused it to start over-cooling the house, or the plumbing which just coincidentally seems to have gone horribly bad during what for her has been a week from hell.

Unfortunately it seems Adrian never takes anything seriously, least of all her concerns or constant troubles. And while he supposedly tries to solve all the issues, bringing in electricians and plumbers and doing whatever he can himself this week, he still always seems distracted, even when she stands there lecturing him about the fact the plumbing in the kitchen is completely screwed up.

Seemingly taking the opportunity when she shouts up for him, looking down the stairs, staring at her chest, Adrian seems to have been behaving more and more distracted lately. And Leah is going to figure out why, especially when she notes he has been spending a strange amount of time in the attic. His claims of actually cleaning seem unlikely, and if it weren’t for the fact her husband never drinks, she’d swear he’d fallen off the wagon or something.

But when Leah starts heading up into the attic, Adrian begins to panic, and that is when she knows she has caught her idiot husband doing something he apparently shouldn’t have been doing.

He may not have ever been a drinker, but Adrian had his addictions, ones she thought they left in the past, most notably a gaming addiction involving a certain company she knows affects friends and neighbors… SINtendo.

Up in the attic, Adrian is pretty much caught, Leah finding his game controller he has linked to the supposedly new fancy home router system. But what she isn’t prepared for is the list of successfully paired devices, along with a currently unpaired device… her.

And that is when Leah realizes why all week more than just the constant home issues have been bothering her. As she explains to her gaming addict husband, all week she has been feeling strange desires, corrupted impulses, and downright overwhelming lusts when she never would normally feel anything.

Has Adrian’s attempts to pair his wife with his new home router system from SINtendo somehow been giving her little teases of the kind of cheating slut she could be, the kind of kinky woman she has the potential for becoming? And just what happens when her being so close to the attic home router system seems to finally finish pairing her to it?

See eye to eye with the wife this year, in every kinky way possible… thanks to SINtendo, the gaming router that doesn’t play games with your every smart-paired desire.

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Coming next… It’s too hot to think…