SINtendo is a mood

SINtendo Moooed Booster by Kris P. Kreme

SINtendo Moooed Booster by Kris P. Kreme

Barry is used to his teenage son’s passive-aggressive habits. Zane likes to annoy people by texting and sending pictures, and his favorite target is Barry’s young girlfriend Ashley Cowler, who Zane calls Ashley Cow.

It doesn’t help that the beautiful blonde has large breasts, and Barry kinda likes the pictures of Ashley his son texts him with crude comments attached.

But when leaving town and bribing his son into leaving Ashley alone, Barry pays for a computer game, having no idea the game is something called SINtendo HackyWHACK which lets Zane hack into Ashley’s laptop and turn her meditative yoga program Mood Booster into a twisted mind and body altering game of his own making.


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Barry is enjoying a day in his tropically lush backyard when a text comes in from his son Zane. There’s nothing new about that, and there’s certainly nothing new about the passive-aggressive attempt at bothering him the text and attached pic provide. The text simply reads Your cow fell over and looks broken, and along with that message is yet another of the many pictures Zane is frequently taking of Barry’s younger girlfriend Ashley Cowler, or as Zane insists on calling her Ashley Cow.

Zane, at eighteen, should have grown beyond the passive-aggressive phase of constantly annoying people, but Ashley seems his favorite topic to use in trying to get a rise out of his dad. And the reason Barry puts up with it might not be the reason most fathers would… the pictures his son sends of Ashley are always pretty hot.

She’s a girl half Barry’s age, gorgeous long pale blonde hair, and nice large breasts for her remarkably fit slender size. So Barry somehow tries to navigate the waters between disciplining and dealing with his son and also secretly enjoying the pictures he always saves for times when he isn’t thoroughly enjoying Ashley all to himself.

Still, as much as Barry plays down the passive-aggressive nuisance his son has become, Ashley definitely isn’t dealing well with it. No amount of contemplative yoga and meditation can sway her obvious contempt for Zane, especially when he keeps calling her cow.

While Barry tries to tell her everything he has read said if they ignore the passive-aggressive stuff, eventually Zane will lose interest and move on, Ashley still isn’t dealing well with it, folding her arms, angrily pouting, demanding Barry deal with his son… and generally looking sexy as hell while pouting.

In the two years of their relationship living together, Ashley has put up with it, and Barry does have a point about Zane heading to college next year, finally making it easier on the three of them. Still, he agrees to have a talk with Zane about leaving her alone, especially before his business trip out of town the next day.

As for Zane, he has his own motivations, simplistic as they may be. During the talk with his dad, Barry insists that for the four days he is out of town, Zane needs to leave Ashley alone, let her do her meditation, her yoga, and just find a little peace and put her obviously frustrated mind at ease for a change. And Zane brings up a reward for doing that, help getting a new computer game he can’t afford since his dad didn’t let him get the summer job he wanted.

Seeing no harm and figuring it can only keep his son occupied and less a nuisance to his girlfriend, Barry agrees and settling into bed with Ashley that night he assures her that Zane has better things to keep busy with, the new computer game he’ll be spending his spare time playing. Ashley hopes he speaks the truth because she has a new meditation application for her computer called Mood Booster and she plans on using that during her yoga time to relax and de-stress from all the tension Zane has caused her in recent months.

What Barry doesn’t know is that as soon as he has boarded his plane for a four day business trip, Zane is excitedly loading his new computer game for less than playful purposes.

SINtendo HackyWHACK is what it’s called and HackyWHACK is the only gaming application that allows users to hack into any nearby computer, turning anything running on that computer into whatever game one can imagine.

As soon as he has it up and running, Ashley’s laptop is easily accessed as she spends time doing her meditative yoga with her new program called Mood Booster.

Not only can Zane see the application she is using on her laptop, he can see her using that laptop camera, and he definitely enjoys the busty blonde vision of perfection.

Learning how HackyWHACK works, Zane finds that the Mood Booster program Ashley has running while she breathes slowly and deeply, closing her eyes, listening calmly, essentially involves a mantra, words he reads from her hacked laptop spoken aloud to help her relax and dissolve the stresses, worries, and anxieties she has felt lately.

But thanks to SINtendo, Zane can edit those words to anything he likes, erase and rewrite with increasingly perverse intentions, the words he comes up with spoken in a calming meditative voice to Ashley, doing more than merely boosting her mood.

Will Zane push things too far by boosting Ashley’s body as much as her mood? Will Ashley Cowler truly become Ashley cow thanks to the imaginative perverted son of her boyfriend Barry? And just what kind of picture of Ashley will Zane be texting before his business trip is over?

Find your peace and get a piece with plenty of milk on the side this SINtendo September, as more than moods get boosted.

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Up next… Even SINtendo goes up…