SIntendo gives and taketh away

SINtendo Pregnant Pauses Give & Take by Kris P. Kreme

SINtendo Pregnant Pauses Give & Take by Kris P. Kreme

Amy and Amber are popular intelligent twin sisters with a shared annoyance… little brother Sam, or Smelly Sam as they call the geek because of his penchant for body spray.

After Sam heads off to open campus day at the college they already attend, the girls realize the humiliation and embarrassment he will bring to their social lives there. So they decide to teach Sam a lesson.

Finding that he left his cell phone at home, downloading some weird game, they plan to empty his linked bank account purchasing crazy options for gameplay in that game.

But SINtendo Pregnant Pauses Give & Take may turn their lives, their family, and an entire college campus upside down during the process.


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Over 15,000 Words of Kreme!

SINtendo September continues into the bonus level with an epic return of a popular game title, Pregnant Pauses. But in this limited-edition gameplay, twin sisters attempting to finally send a message to their geeky younger brother may find themselves unaware what the game gives with every victory they take.

Sam has always been an absolute geek, a self-proclaimed genius who’s heading off to college with an ego much bigger than any popularity he has ever achieved. But despite life seeming determined to teach him that he isn’t the center of his own world, Sam remains as clueless and upbeat as ever, even on the morning he breezes into the kitchen to give older sisters, twins Amber and Amy the great news that he’s going to the college open campus day to check things out, and they can be his escorts.

Beautiful blondes Amy and Amber have always been the popular girls on the very campus their bratty little brother is about to head off to, and even knowing he will be there with them is nightmare enough. His ego has caused no end of embarrassment, and they certainly aren’t about to be seen together on that campus. So as bluntly as they can, the usually sweet girls are shooting him down, sending Sam off alone to the open campus day, an opportunity for non-students to see what college life will be like by having access to all places on campus.

While not identical twins, Amber and Amy do share more than most, what they call their twin-stincts, and so far in their ongoing sibling rivalries, the worst they have done is make fun of their brother’s knack for slathering on too much body spray, the nickname Smelly Sam unfortunately never breaking through his ego to give him a clue that he is not in fact destined to be the next campus stud at college. But on this rare day where their parents are out of town, due to arrive later that day on a flight, Amy and Amber see a unique opportunity to finally wipe the smug smile off Sam’s annoying little face.

Their plan, simply enough, mess with all his stuff while he’s gone. Sam is anything if meticulous about the comic geek gamer madness of his living environment, so as soon as Sam is off on his way to hopefully meet a loser reality on the college campus, Amy and Amber are toppling his organized collections, scattering things in his room, and generally doing the worst that good girls can ever imagine.

But when they discover Sam’s cell phone, remarkably left behind on a charging pad in his room… the temptation to take their sisterly revenge further may be too much.

When they hold his phone up to one of Sam’s favorite photographs of himself with a cosplay girl who Amy and Amber feel dreadfully sorry for, they hold their breath… and presto, his phone unlocks for them.

Apparently it seems that Sam was downloading a new application, which might explain why he left his phone on the charger. But they aren’t really interested in some gaming application from a silly sounding company like SINtendo. After sufficiently rearranging all his apps, setting random alarms that will surely drive him crazy, and changing ringtones and every setting they can find, the sisters have a sudden idea more cruel and justifiably perfect to really teach Sam to leave them alone and hopefully stay away from them on campus the coming semester.

His finances are linked to his phone, and Sam has always hoarded away money for his geeky hobbies. So if they play one of his application games that features in-game purchases… they can spend, spend, spend until poor Smelly Sam comes home broke.

The only question is can they really push through the recently downloaded limited-edition game called SINtendo Pregnant Pauses Give & Take?

Amy, reading over the premise of this weird little game, explains that it sounds pretty easy to play. Player selects or creates a game character, gives their character a name, then chooses a location. The character will then interact with others they randomly encounter at that location bringing up the option for purchasing bonuses, add-ons, booster qualities… all in order to breed the most. Shivering at how geeky and freaky Sam apparently is, Amy and Amber realize the game is all about impregnating the most girls in a fictional game environment.

Still… all those purchasable options are just the icing on the revenge they will have once Sam eventually comes home and finds his finances in ruin. So it isn’t long before Amy and Amber are side by side on the floor in their bedroom, watching the little screen of Sam’s phone, beginning a dual player game that will slowly take over more lives than they can ever imagine.

Ignoring the warning about how the limited edition game requires exchanges, taking bonuses or taking points to win means giving up something, the sisters are naming their created character Sam and choosing from a variety of oddly familiar locations, finally settling on a college campus since that’s where the geek currently is.

Yet they could never imagine that as the little game character named Sam moves about a pixelated college campus, the real Sam is mirroring those movements, unaware he is actually the character in his own soon-to-be adults only gaming experience.

As he encounters random people, soon meeting up with a strict dean of a department having a rather tense conversation with her son and student, Amy and Amber are getting options for purchasable enhancements to supposedly help their game character succeed in his ongoing quest to breed any woman or girl he encounters. But will they be able to handle the cost of giving loser little brother a character perk that makes women and people in general less repulsed by him?

It all begins with Agreeable Smell, a character perk in the form of a potent scent which causes immediate agreement and submissive compliance with anything said or suggested by Sam. Since he’s Smelly Sam, why not, the sisters think. But they are ignoring the give and take of the deal, focusing on the $19.99 it will drain from his bank account and not what the game warns them is a percentage of both players’ intelligence.

Amy and Amber are already changing, even if they barely know it… and each and every time they unknowingly help the egotistical geek and bane of their existence Sam rather easily breed his way across the college campus, they are almost unaware of how their own thoughts, feelings, desires, and soon bodies are changing.

Just what kind of chaos will the campus descend into as every woman, girl, student, parent, anyone Sam gets within smelling range of finds themselves willing to any whims he has? And with an ego like Sam’s he’s literally getting all the cocky action he ever could have dreamed of. Will the cheerleaders be cheering themselves right into the maternity ward? Will Sam truly become the ultimate campus stud? And what will happen at home when Amy and Amber have given too much of their own sweet innocent personalities, finding themselves as corrupted and crude as the supposedly fictional game characters they have spent the day watching?

SINtendo GIVES more than players can handle, but in this epic twisted tale the action TAKES plenty of time for enjoyment along the way.

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Up next… Just over the horizon…

It’s time for Halloween with the Kreme 2024!