Stay on the Path at HallowKreme

Path-illogical The CUMMING Harvest by Kris P. Kreme

Path-illogical The CUMMING Harvest by Kris P. Kreme

It’s time for the Harvest in the Hollows, a yearly festival Sarah has gone to for decades. And this is the first year she is bringing both her daughter Allison, just reaching the drinking age, and soon-to-be husband Jim.

Each year the location is announced randomly over CB radio and so they find themselves in an RV, having just received the final coordinates… a place called Mount Madness.

Even though spooky locations are chosen for the popular beer, fun, and games festival, this year may be the spookiest? Arriving, the place seems abandoned, hundreds having vanished. Those they find tell of a madness, one of intense pleasure… and literally explosive climaxes.


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Over the years many have stumbled upon a hidden path near the peak of Mount Madness, and many have vanished never to be seen again, supposedly suffering their own kind of madness, a madness of their own making. But what would happen if hundreds showed up for a yearly festival that chose poorly for where to have their festival this year? Find out as HallowKreme explores The CUMMING Harvest.

For as long as she can practically remember, Sarah has loved this time of year for one particular reason… the annual Harvest in the Hollows. It’s a traveling festival with beer, games, and more, and one never knows where it is going to be held until the coordinates are announced over CB radio.

This is a big year for Sarah, and not just because it is the first year she is taking the latest man in her life, Jim, along the RV road trip to the Harvest. It’s also the first year since her college daughter turned twenty-one, and Allison is less than thrilled about being dragged along on what she assumes must be some sort of hippie festival.

Sarah has always been as calm under pressure as a woman ever could be, handling life and all life throws at her. But her daughter Allison, while thoroughly fit and always finding time for a run, even during their stops along the road, is skeptical of this supposed Harvest in the Hollows.

She questions the point of it, the safety of it, and the big deal of it all. And while Allison respects Jim, a decent guy, nice, even distinguished looking with the gray in his hair, she still doesn’t see why she had to be dragged along for any of this. But this is an opportunity to have their first family outing even if Jim only recently proposed, and unbeknownst to them… it may be the last outing they ever have.

As Sarah explains along the road towards the latest secret location, every year the hosts of the Harvest in the Hollows choose an intentionally storied and often supposedly haunted location for the festival. It’s the spooky time of year and the Harvest makes it all so much more fun with their randomly chosen spots always having some connection to mysteries or mayhem. But when this year, the hosts give the coordinates, a spot near the peak of Mount Madness, Allison is looking up information on her phone in the back of the RV and she doesn’t like what she is reading.

There have been disappearances as recently as the last few weeks, and stories of madness walking some old native path. Of course Sarah is playing off any fears, having gone to the Harvest annually for decades now. She’s also playing up the possibilities of Allison meeting a cute boy… maybe one of her longtime friends’ boys, Justin and Bryce, both of them apparently a few years older than Allison.

But when they finally pull the RV up onto Mount Madness after getting stuck in traffic, will Allison have much more to worry about than attempting fixups from her mom?

There are cars, trucks, and RVs parked everywhere in the clearing that once was an old access road up the mountain. Festival booths are set up, portable bars and primitive drinking spots placed along a path… but no one is anywhere to be seen.

It’s downright creepy and Allison is convinced they shouldn’t be there, even if Sarah as always is playing down the concerns, suggesting maybe since they arrived late, everyone is just further along the festival path in another clearing for some special evening event.

So as Jim takes a seat with Allison on a pieced-together bench near the entrance to the Harvest in the Hollows, Sarah heads along the path to find someone, anyone, to maybe meet up with her friends, Cole and Caroline who’d messaged earlier that they arrived with sons Justin and Bryce.

When Sarah finds the boys hiding, when they warn her it isn’t safe, and when they tell her that their mom exploded, just what sort of spooky weirdness is going on? Is it really the madness the boys speak of, a madness they themselves may already be suffering?

And meanwhile what sort of madness will Jim and Allison slowly find themselves feeling as they sit waiting on that bench? Could the path have chosen the easiest madness to give each and every person, the madness of pleasure in the most enjoyable form… magnified so massively that explosive climaxes took on new meaning?

Walk the path this HallowKreme, and meet The CUMMING Harvest.

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The next treat is… very tricky…

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