It’s an Obscure Collection

The Obscure Kreme Omnibus by Kris P. Kreme

The Obscure Kreme Omnibus by Kris P. Kreme

Every so often among the hundreds if not going on thousands of original Tales from the Kreme, a single story gets easily forgotten, overlooked, and slipping into the obscure. These are the tales you might vaguely recall as if from a dream. They don’t fit into any greater theme or series, but like missing puzzle pieces for a seductively scintillating scene, they have been collected for the first ever Obscure Kreme Omnibus.

Enjoy as these tales take you into the depths of innocent minds becoming anything but, and enjoying the ride along the way. From teasing smart girls gone bimbo for the new year to bitch spoiled business brats being truly spoiled. From a girl simply dealing with the DMV to get her new car tag getting truly tagged, to a man having a business meeting at home juggling his unruly daughter and a visitor who may be from beyond the stars. From a bookish young woman turning a whole new page after a night at the library to a pair of friends at the mall striking all new poses for a kinky photographer. There’s even the popular reporter every man loves to ogle on the news each night, giving new meaning to the words media whore.

Welcome to the Obscure cure for ordinary, the Obscure Kreme Omnibus.

Happy New You!

Discover the best way to welcome the new year, with a new you, just like Mandy Fate, who is sure to find the new year holds many new experiences, thanks to the powerful influence of the new man in her life.

Eat, Drink, and Do Mary

Anyone working at Byron Media Firm could tell you just how much of a bitch Mary Pate was, though unfortunately not just anyone can do much to change that fact.

Tagging Torrance

Torrance Grant was always an easygoing girl, though after visiting the department of motor vehicles to get her new car tag, she might just be going easier than she ever imagined.

Matters of Perspective

Jeff always liked taking the easier of two paths, coasting through life, even coasting through relationships. Surprisingly he has been unusually fortunate with how things turned out, stumbling into a relationship with a very attractive younger woman. The problem is, Katie is a go-getter and always has been, definitely the flip-side to Jeff’s coin.

Booking Brooke

Brooke was as predictable as she was naturally beautiful, a young woman with one passion beyond all others. Ever since the day she could read, Brooke had been eagerly obsessed with reading as many books as possible.

Photo Sensitive

Eliza and her friend Rachel are just another couple of coeds enjoying time at the local mall. In fact, today it seems, there are a lot of coeds spending time at the mall. The strange thing is, most of the girls their age don’t seem to be carrying around shopping bags.

I think therefore You Are

Everyone in town knows Andrea for Channel 11 News. To many she’s the only reason they tune in, and those viewers would predominantly be males of many ages. Andrea fully knows why men tune in, why she’s the biggest reason Channel 11 has such great ratings, and without knowing it, she’s going to live up to her media whore potential in ways never imagined.


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