That’s a funny kiss

Funny BONED by Kris P. Kreme

Funny BONED by Kris P. Kreme

Publishing company owner, Conrad, and his wife Sarah are thrilled to have their son Ian and Ian’s new wife Aubrey at their country home. But after Ian and Sarah leave to pick up dinner, Aubrey gets pulled into a competitive publishing conspiracy.

Shady corporations are attempting to take over Conrad’s share of the influential publishing business in order to release their own material, and their latest scheme may have Aubrey laughing herself stupid on the living room floor.

Finding an unsolicited joke book at Conrad’s door, Aubrey reads it, and the jokes soon have her mindlessly laughing into chaos. This is the work of S.M.U.T. intent on seeing them all Funny BONED.


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At a chilly remote country home surrounded by a stubborn winter, Conrad and his wife Sarah are finally getting to spend some quality time with their son Ian and his brand new wife, Aubrey. But while the outside temperatures may be cold, things are about to heat up inside after Sarah and Ian leave to pick up dinner… and something funny happens.

Aubrey may be regretting the tank top and jean shorts she wore, since the country home is chilly, but warming herself by the living room fire and getting to know Ian’s dad is worth it, and she is very interested in his publishing business.

But while Conrad may feel fully capable of handling recent pushes by competitive corporations to take over his share of the publishing business, intent on using their influence to release the kinds of books they want to release… he could never imagine that their latest push may push his entire family too far.

When he notices how chilled Aubrey is getting, he offers to get one of his wife’s house robes for her and while he steps away, that is when Aubrey hears a sudden thump outside the door. Conrad dismisses the noise as probably another unsolicited book someone found his private address and left hoping he would take an interest. It happens frequently, he tells her, and as Aubrey goes and checks, sure enough there is a book there left on the porch.

Carrying the book inside, Aubrey tells Conrad the name on the front cover, although that name has printing errors. Simple Mindless Humor Time, she says, a joke book, and as she decides to sit back on the warm carpet near the fireplace and read it, Aubrey finds herself giggling at the silly jokes printed within its pages.

But even Conrad can soon tell something is very wrong, Aubrey laughing more and more uncontrollably, literally seeming to lose her mind to the hilarity in the little joke book. And only when Conrad comes rushing over to try and help, clearly seeing something is wrong with her insane mindless laughing, does he discover that printing error on the cover.

It wasn’t an error at all, Simple Mindless hUmore Time… the letters spelling S.M.U.T. which means they are trying a whole new tactic to take over his publishing company intent on releasing their smut materials.

Will the quaint country home soon descend into a twisted chaos? Will Aubrey really get to know her husband’s father? And what about when the others return with dinner? Kreme Kisses get silly as everyone gets Funny BONED.

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Koming Next… It’s easy to get caught in a Kiss…