On the day she was to drive her twin sister home from college for their first winter break, always good girl Marcy caught Darcy in bed with her boyfriend. And as usual with Darcy, the evil twin had used the fact they look identical to both bed and corrupt the mind of Marcy’s once sweet respectful boyfriend.
When at home, Marcy’s enraged anger towards her sister falls on the deaf ears of her currently at work nurse practitioner mother and fairly new step-father Rob, Marcy vows revenge.
Thanks to Tommy, a college guy with connections to twisted tech of his own, Marcy serves up revenge by playing an unlocked, no-limits version of SINtendo ContactHIGH. But will Marcy take this game too far?
Over 10,000 Words of Kreme!
Twin sisters, Marcy and Darcy are anything but exactly alike… at least on the inside. To everyone else, the identical twin coeds may appear like beautiful redheads with everything going their way, but for good twin Marcy, she has always dealt with the twisted intentions and actions of her carefree slutty twin Darcy. And this time, Darcy has finally pushed her too far.
But will taking their sibling rivalry game to a whole other level end up causing the dominos to fall at home in ways they can never be picked back up? Find out with an epic return to a SINtendo game called ContactHIGH!
Winter break has arrived for twin sisters and fellow freshmen coeds Marcy and Darcy, and yet on the very day when Marcy was to drive them back home from school, she walked in on her boyfriend David screwing Darcy, believing her to be his sweet virginal girlfriend Marcy.
And as if such a thing wasn’t horrifying enough, Darcy fully corrupted David in her manipulative game, ruining any respect he might ever have for Marcy or girls in general again. And worst of all this isn’t even the first time Darcy has played the slut, using the fact they look identical to snag one of Marcy’s boyfriends, opening their eyes to all new horny perversions. But it is the first time in college, during a time of finding herself and her future that Marcy genuinely believed the past was behind them.
The entire drive home, as Darcy merely teases Marcy and acts like it was no big deal, Marcy is little more than seething, her mind boiling in absolute rage towards the evil twisted slut that happens to be her mirror image in the passenger seat. Darcy has always delighted in corrupting innocent guys, especially innocent guys Marcy showed interest in, and Marcy always thought positive, believing that good things came to those who did good towards others.
All that is over though, especially after arriving home determined to tell their mother, Lucy, a hardworking nurse practitioner with a relatively new marriage to a nice guy named Rob. As it turns out, Lucy is off working a long shift at a short-staffed hospital, and only Rob is home. But when Marcy in an absolute rage tries to walk in ranting about what all Darcy did, Darcy merely lets her normally timid sister look like the crazy one, playing innocent and naturally being believed as innocent as she acts.
Angrier and angrier, Marcy loses all composure, cussing out, threatening her sister, and only earning complete disbelief by Rob who merely sees her out of control and unhinged. And when Rob has Lucy on the phone, Marcy’s slapping Darcy’s smug look off her face only earns her the punishment they each mistakenly believe she deserves for behaving like a child.
Everything seems to have fallen apart, and in Marcy’s eyes there is no good in the world anymore, no justice or wrongs righted for her. She is sent her room like a child as Darcy just cozies up to Rob on the couch watching basketball.
But while it may seem everything has gone Darcy’s way, Marcy is more than just seething angry in her room alone. She is plotting, planning to teach Darcy a lesson she’ll never forget, to fuck up her life the way Darcy fucked up hers, and maybe teach her mother and Rob a lesson too. The only question is how… and that is when Marcy remembers the fellow freshman she knows has barely had to attend class thanks to some supposedly dark web type of tech he uses to manipulate more than just his grades.
Tommy has been enjoying his own Make Believe world of perfection thanks to an app, but when he gets a call from a desperate classmate he barely remembers, he’s only too happy to offer her just the game to get back at her boyfriend-stealing sister.
Pacing her room, listening to the basketball game down the hall, Marcy is genuinely confused by the shared application she gets downloaded and installed rather quickly onto her phone. She isn’t sure how a game can possibly get her the revenge she needs, but anything will help.
As it turns out, this no-limits unlocked version of an app game is called SINtendo ContactHIGH, and it is played using contacts in her phone. Chosen contacts will be used for gameplay, interacting using advanced AR filtering technology.
Wondering how this is going to teach Darcy a lesson, Marcy becomes intrigued after seeing the warning of potential embarrassment, humiliation, ravenous loss of self-control, intelligence, and unpredictably permanent swelling.
Gameplay is simple enough, choosing available contacts for gameplay, Darcy and Rob down the hall. All Marcy has to do is select from available actions, the goal of those actions being to raise their individual ContactHIGH levels from green to red. But after choosing for Darcy to flash Rob, and rather promptly hearing a well-timed shout of shock from Rob down the hall, Marcy sneaks out of her room only to realize that somehow anything she chooses to happen in the game happens in real life too.
Will Marcy truly lose herself and all innocence while playing to teach Darcy what being a slut gets her? Will Rob be only the latest stolen romantic partner Darcy ends up enjoying, whether she wants to or not? And will Darcy truly give new meaning to the words screwing her brains out?
Witness all the multi-player mania, as actions are taken, rewards are chosen, and revenge is served. But how does this game end, and what will Lucy think returning from an exhausting hospital shift only to see freaky things even a trauma nurse has never imagined before? Gaming can be fun, and so can revenge… especially when it’s Best Served HOT.
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