It’s time to take another Leap

The Legend of Leap Day by Kris P. Kreme

As serious a journalist as Andrea Donalds set out to become, she never planned on working at a publication like The Matters Most Post. Determined to bring respect back to the tabloid publication and find a real story, Andrea puts together a fascinating tale of an urban legend so faithfully followed by millions that it …

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Things get hard around Ivy

Path-illogical: Poison Ivy by Kris P. Kreme

Ivy has had it with the men her mother dates inevitably being perverted and either putting moves or playing around as they turn their eyes to her. It’s bad enough her mother keeps getting betrayed, but she is starting to feel like the poison her mother once drunkenly called her. Storming off into the wilderness …

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Selfies return for another year

Selfies from Kastle Kreme #68 - Hiring Practices and Managing the Equipment by Kris P. Kreme

ew Year, new job possibilities! Perhaps you’re a fit but older woman like Monique, who learns just how severe Hiring Practices can prepare her for a new job that really takes it out of her. Or maybe you’d like to try Managing the Equipment at a gym, though some gyms certainly have more clean, satisfying …

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Grab Bag returns once more!

The Grab Bag #70 - Astral Erection and Going Viral by Kris P. Kreme

It’s a brand new year and time to erect new projections for positivity and change for everyone! Or is it time to project new erections positively changing every nubile one around? Astral Erection will give the nerd in everyone what they always dreamed of, but remember there, are viral concerns out there this winter… though …

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Visit the small town of… Valentine

Poetry Slammed by Kris P. Kreme

For those worried about future leadership, they’ve found hope in Veronica Glade. This creative woman of optimism and innocence may soon be running for congress, and she is highly respected in the small town of Valentine. But someone wants her eliminated, sending a character assassin after her at an event she has been planning, the …

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It’s not going to be the Sunday they expected

The Stupor Bowl by Kris P. Kreme

It’s Super Bowl Sunday and nothing matters more than bringing good luck to their team for Danny and his best friends. But as superstitious as the boys have always been, Danny’s wife Melissa has never seen them so wrapped up in the rituals of luck like they quickly become this year. Could it all have …

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It’s always a good idea to check the pressure

Free AirHead by Kris P. Kreme

Jeremy is a guy pushed too far by his ridiculously high maintenance girlfriend Jennifer. During a road trip for her to finally meet his family, Jeremy has done little more than listen to constant complaints, everything he says wrong, everything she says right, every attempt he makes to calm her down only stirring things up. …

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Snow isn’t the only thing that’s Powdered

Powder Puffed and Stuffed by Kris P. Kreme

Thanks to an impulse buy mystery product called Perfection Powder, Cara gave her boyfriend Pat more than either of them ever could imagine last Christmas. She became a busty horny slut, and he became the freakishly endowed guy who can never stop. But when Cara’s little sister comes for a visit, bringing a less than …

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Better keep track of the time at the beach

Save the Date, It's Time to Mate by Kris P. Kreme

First there was Frank’s Fun Time Casino where the glitz and glamour of the lighting could truly transform your experience of gambling away more than mere money. Then Frank’s nephew Jay began a beach resort where partying in the sand could wash away thoughts and inhibitions while cheating poor slobs out of the hotties they …

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There’s no cruise like this one anywhere

Witch Way to Port? by Kris P. Kreme

Katy was always the girl who stayed in shape and stayed sharp, but her shape may change and sharp may dull after Katy surprises her friends with the superyacht she found docked in a hidden coastal cove. Looking for adventure during the summer after high school, they all are at first impressed with the yacht, …

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It’s been 10 years of Krismas

Krismas with the Kreme: A Collection of the Very First Krismas Tales by Kris P. Kreme

Ten years ago, the holiday tradition of the Kreme celebrating Krismas began. On this milestone, a collection of those first three works bundled together for the first time! Until January 10, 2024 – 50% off at Smashwords with code CU24B Over 27,000 Words of Krismas Kreme! Holiday Handling: Independent trucker Rachel Handler has always rubbed …

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Beware of the Elves at Krismas

Naughty Elves: Out Cold by Kris P. Kreme

Keeping watch on things at his girlfriend’s house, retired army veteran Will is happy to kick back and relax with some old comics he found. Bella, his girlfriend’s teenage daughter, is practicing costumed high kicks for a Christmas pageant, and all seems good until he hears some noises outside. Strangely Bella hears nothing, continuing her …

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You can always find space at Krismas

All I Want: Space Heater by Kris P. Kreme

Anna Morgan and Jonathan Shaw work well together in the cold depths of space, aboard a research satellite orbiting the moon in the not-so-distant future. Despite their vast differences, they have managed to get along for months. Jonathan Shaw is the brains behind everything though, leading to the younger Anna Morgan feeling like little more …

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It’s just not Krismas without SINtendo

Sunday SINday by Kris P. Kreme

Angry at being punished while his sister gets to be the angel in this year’s Christmas caroling choir, Diego has only one outlet to take out his teenage angst… a mystery handheld game featuring an animated shark. But when he names the victims of his shark after the choir members, giving the primary endgame victim …

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