Kylie’s uninterested in men, no interest in the pleasure more than just her hands can provide. A chance encounter Sean has on the packed streets of India may change everything in ways neither of them ever imagined. The latest Kreme Kustom Single has arrived and everyone is going to have Happy Endings! Find it on …
Tag: Kustom Kollection
May 11 2013
Make a Paranormal Entry… If you dare.
Workers at DeLiniac Tower find there’s more to the stories of ghosts when a mysterious storm empowers something within the building along with everything in it. Alicia and Tracey assure their workers everything is fine but the paranormal is about to make an unwanted entry. Zoey will realize feeling watched might be more fun than …
May 02 2013
Who can escape The Depraved Doctor Darzula?
The newest Kreme Kustom single has arrived! Five friends trapped in a tropical paradise. Jason is the only hope. Can he save Sarah, the smartest girl he knows before she finds out how dumb she can get? Can he save Reika, conservative girl from Japan before her values are lost forever? Can he save Nicole, …
Feb 23 2013
Beware of Glowing Green…
The Kreme releases something very special for this, the next story in the Kreme Kustom Kollection Singles! He tackles his very first Kustom Kollection Origin story with a unique style, told both from the perspective of the character and the view of those that character encounters. Find it on Smashwords now! Now on Amazon! Some …
Feb 05 2013
Some Koeds are Kursed…
It can be hard surviving as a Coed. There’s always someone that wants to make your life miserable in some way, shape or form. However, now and again, some get their just desserts. Or, if they are very unlucky… They get Kursed. Koed Kurses takes a fairy tale and busts it wide open… In more …
Jan 07 2013
Are you looking for the Krem de la Kreme? You can find it here!
Time for a Kustom Kreme Kollection and this time the Kreme is going upper class. The finest of everything of course for readers of the Kreme and what can be finer than Krem de la Kreme? Perfectly created with the finest bimbos that are perfectly presented, just perfectly… for you! Place your orders and see what …
Dec 11 2012
The melons have ripened… Kustom Kollection #6 is here!
It’s important to choose carefully when you are looking for the best melons. After all, only the best melons are the sweetest ones. You must examine their shape, texture, size and most importantly, you have to choose the right source for your melons. Guess what’s growing in the Kreme’s garden? That’s right, only a pair …
Nov 29 2012
Get some Time off for Naughty Behavior in the first Kreme Kustom Single!
You all know about the Kreme Kustom Kollection… Now something slightly different in the very first Kustom Kollection Single, a story of epic length custom requested by a reader of the Kreme… Discover what happens when villains are given… Time Off for Naughty Behavior… Find it on Smashwords today! Find it on Amazon now! Empire …
Nov 20 2012
Now Available! Krematorium – Kustom Kollection #5!
Two more tales custom requested by fans of the Kreme, burning hot right from the Krematorium! Now on Smashwords! Now on Amazon! For this Kollection, enjoy a friendly farmer pushed too far and a girl who attracts the wrong kind of guy, but becomes the right kind of girl. In Repossessed, meet Charlie, a friendly …
Nov 05 2012
Now Available! Double D Prints – Kustom Kollection #4!
The Kreme Halloween has been delayed, but the Kreme Kustom Kollection marches on! Get ready for your close up as only kremey photography can handle, with Double D Prints! Now on Smashwords! Now on Amazon too! In Kreative Liberties, Rob has been living the good life ever since he discovered an incredible photo manipulation and …
Oct 13 2012
Now Available! Kreme Kwake – Kustom Kollection #3
It’s as easy as 1… 2… and now the third Kreme Kustom Kollectino has been released! Two special stories as kommissioned by readers of the Kreme and now… Now released for all to share in the kreminess! Now on Smashwords! Now on Amazon too! Get ready for a Kreme Kwake, tales so twisted you should …
Sep 19 2012
Kreme Kustom Kollection Two – Kremey Soup
Newly released on Smashwords! The second Kustom Kreme Kollection of stories as kommissioned by two of his fans! Kremey Soup – Kustom Kollection #2 On Amazon Now! Two more twisted tales of torrid treats, Kustom Kollection #2 is a Kremey Soup of ingredients. Just add seasoning and enjoy these kustom requested stories by readers of the …
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