Tag: SINtendo

It’s a shame that sometimes a cover is a SIN… tendo

SINtendo Learning Undergraduate Techniques: Modern Orgasmic Farming Uncensored cover by Kris P. Kreme

It’s been some time since the last uncensored Kreme cover and this one’s a SINtendo. Here’s the uncensored cover for SINtendo Learning Undergraduate Techniques: Modern Orgasmic Farming for readers of the Kreme to enjoy!

Get in the money with SINtendo September

SINtendo Learning Undergraduate Techniques: Financing Made Easy by Kris P. Kreme

Having excelled in her classes, one might assume Katelyn has no worries when it comes to education. In her second year of college, she’s a favorite among her professors, but has shared a concern at least one of them is eager to solve through questionable means. Recommending a radical study technique using VR and her …

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SINtendo can teach… anything.

SINtendo Learning Undergraduate Techniques: Modern Orgasmic Farming by Kris P. Krene

On campus less than a month, Angela and Celia are very diverse roommates. Where blonde Celia is a party girl with no inhibitions, Angela is a sweet brunette farm girl away from home for the first time. Determined to figure out her college ambitions, Angela spends a night alone looking online for study techniques. What …

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The Lost Kreme finds SINtendo

The Lost Kreme #6: SINtendo Whee POP! by Kris P. Kreme

Kaitlyn Stewart was house sitting for a family in her neighborhood when she discovered a SINtendo Whee in their closet. Bored, figuring it might be a fun way to pass the time, she hooked it up, finding a game called Whee Pop! that seemed worth trying. Unfortunately, she discovered once you start playing a SINtendo …

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SINtendo takes over the Grab Bag this month

Grab Bag #23 - SINtendo September Special by Kris P. Kreme

It’s the very first SINtendo September… and school is back in session, time to learn that some games don’t play by the rules. Enjoy a special Grab Bag of Gaming to see if you will win or lose. This Grab Bag includes: SINtendo Shades: Joel just wants to find a pair of inexpensive internet glasses, …

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It’s going to be a SINtendo September!

SINtendo September promopic

It’s the most popular of all of the Kreme series… It’s what Readers have demanded, over and over again. One month in which SINtendo takes over! Watch your calendars! It’s going to be a SINtendo September…

SINtendo is a learning experience…

SINtendo Grading on the Curves by Kris P. Kreme

Haley usually handles challenges on her own, a young teacher who handles high school boys with ease in the classroom. Unfortunately having taught the summer history class to help failing students stay on track, she faces problems no teacher is ready for. Five football players have failed and ethically she should bar them playing this …

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SINtendo returns for one more round with Readers

SINtendo Prey and Spray by Kris P. Kreme

Hannah has a pretty good thing going, great guy like Troy who lets her live rent free as his girlfriend, occasionally nags her about helping with the bills, but never whines too much when she frequently borrows his money. Of course Troy might have different thoughts, and he’s definitely not as satisfied as a boyfriend …

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SINtendo is a popular game with Readers

SINtendo AVAtar AVA by Kris P. Kreme

Encouraged to date again, single mother Ava finds herself increasingly frustrated by the stupid dating profile creation program her daughters recommended. One of their boyfriends claims his dad had success with the program but as the questions go from ridiculous to perverse, Ava becomes convinced the whole thing is a joke, some stupid game being …

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Get SWITCHED on with SINtendo!

SINtendo SWITCHbitch by Kris P. Kreme

SINtendo continues corrupting and ruining families yet somehow bringing them together. Now comes the all new SINtendo SWITCHbitch, the gaming device disguised as a metal headband which instantly numbs the mind and SWITCHes good for bad, bad for good. Bad girls become good when wearing it, and good girls become very bad. No girl has …

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A SINtendo cover just can’t be Extinguished

SINtendo Extinguis-HER Uncensored Book Cover

Every so often there’s a cover that’s a little too much. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t find a place on the Kreme’s website. The uncensored cover for SINtendo Extinguis-HER comes out of the shadows! Watch out for the latest SINtendo Select coming next week!

SINtendo springs into action once again

SINtendo Extinguis-HER by Kris P. Kreme

The plan was made before the week from hell hit Cory’s senior year. Best buds with Sam, he was to spend the weekend gaming, Sam’s dad a game developer who had almost every video game ever made. Alexis, Sam’s older sister, ruined everything by spreading horrible rumors about Cory, humiliating him to the entire school. …

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SINtendo is more fun when there’s more than one…

SINtendo Solit-AIRheads by Kris P. Kreme

Finding herself as always accompanied by her identical twin on the day of an important internship interview, Dehlia just might have a way out. She’s tired of perky, flirty, showy Dahlia ruining her life and today she wants more than just the job. It all comes down to a not so innocent head to head …

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It’s time for the SINtendo big game!

SINtendo Super Slut Sunday by Kris P. Kreme

Far younger than her soon to be husband Jack, Kendall has wanted to fit in with his friends. When one of his two best buds, Quinn, invites her along to watch the Super Bowl, she’s thrilled. Unfortunately Jack finds out his pals haven’t changed their tune about settling down, only inviting Kendall along to make …

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