The world’s in chaos, doctors and nurses on the front line of a battle that will exhaust everyone. But not as much as Nurse Krissy exhausts her patients, leaving them smiling despite the pandemic currently stressing them out. Doctor Kreme has worked his wing of the hospital alongside Nurse Krissy for years and no matter …
Tag: Tales from the Kreme
Mar 31 2020
It’s still possible to Grab something
Life may be non-grabby right now with social distancing… but you can still Grab yourself some fun. Dolls are for little girls but big girls make the best dolls as you’ll see in these twisted tales. Erica never took seriously her boyfriend’s career of game testing until she became that game. And Samantha was always …
Mar 31 2020
Selfies spring up again
Maybe March Madness was cancelled this year but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of true Madness to go around. Best friends Wila and Mona get Bimbo Bombed while out. If they don’t have a public fight, things may truly go crazy in public for the both of them. And a little thrill around Halloween …
Mar 26 2020
It’s not just a rock
Stan and Hoshi are chilling at his apartment one day, Hoshi watching TV, saying she’d love to be a famous actress one day. Little do they know she’s about to get her big debut after noticing the rock he found on a recent hike in the woods. Running her fingers over the moss on that …
Mar 21 2020
Corruption arrives in the cosmos
Midway between Earth and a planet called Fantose 3, Transport Ship 609 has suffered a major malfunction. The Core Computer is losing power, shutting systems down, gravity fluctuating in dangerous waves that threaten to tear the ship apart. Only transport ship operator Dennis and Kira have any hope of righting the wrongs that otherwise might …
Mar 16 2020
Check your vision… Lenny’s back.
Friendly Doctor Kerry Smith has only recently joined an elderly eye doctor at his practice, but her first day alone with the patients may be her last as she encounters a funny little man in costume on St. Patrick’s Day. Only three patients to look after, she’s going to the file room to get their …
Mar 08 2020
They say it’s contagious
Gatherings are being affected by the big virus in the news, but female executive Miranda has to show up for a celebratory end of quarter work party at a bar. All she needs to do is be there, be seen, and she’s off for some personal vacation time. But times are about to get a …
Mar 04 2020
It’s possible to Kustomize reality
Jacob Bunkle was a nerd on campus, but one with a pet project he’d spent years trying to prove. An imaginative boy, Jacob knows the power of the mind has not been fully explored, and he’s convinced there’s a way to merge the physics with the astrophysics of Astral Projection. Intending to finally test his …
Feb 29 2020
There’s something about Another Leap Day
It was just last Leap Day that Sam discovered something amazing. Wishes can come true, but only if you make the wish on Leap Day, and only if you do a rather silly little ritual before making the wish. A lot has changed since Leap Day, Sam now graduated from college, twenty-two years old, and …
Feb 25 2020
Grab something from the Bag
A good Grab Bag needs plenty to get your hands on, and this month you could get more than you can handle. But don’t let that concern get you down, Cheer Up, or let Chloe cheer you up as only she can do by the end of her tale. Then witness the masterful mental mesmerism …
Feb 25 2020
Selfies are always on the job
February has come and it’s right back to work as usual for the Kreme. But work can be play if you know how to get the most out of your job! Take Jessica for instance, who’s first day on a temp job comes with permanent benefits. Or get taken in by Sebastian, a simple man …
Feb 17 2020
Season Two of the Kremey Zone is twisted
A place outside the limitations of time and space where reality is warped and everything you understand is turned on its end… where the Kreme melts minds and bodies. Your host The Kreme Keeper is back for Season Two. An obnoxiously arrogant womanizing dick of a guy has found plenty of success sucking in powerful …
Feb 12 2020
Before Season Two begins… Check out all of The Kremey Zone Season One!
There exists a balance in nature, a stabilizing force that keeps reality and logic flowing along the channels of reasonable calm. When such balance is off, the oozing chaos that alters what you might perceive as a concrete permanent reality can change everything in the blink of an eye. These are the tales of those …
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