Tag: Tales from the Kreme

August brings the last of summer Selfies

Selfies from Kastle Kreme #38 - Spa Sucking & Bimbo Beer by Kris P. Kreme

As summer slowly starts to fade and temperatures cool, it’s time to enjoy another Summer fading while only getting hotter. But enjoy a stop by a very special spa first to put some excitement back in the marriage while taking a little intellect out of it. Selfies returns again to bring readers twice the tantalizing …

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Sometimes you can’t help but be forked

Tuning Forked by Kris P. Kreme

Dave was never satisfied with his marriage, a bitchy prudish wife he often imagined in depraved mind draining situations. But after saving a man named Tuner and getting smacked with a tuning fork, he will embark on a quest to save his wife and marriage like he never imagined. Angry at coming home and finding …

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There’s always a Remote Chance

Remote Glances on College Campus by Kris P. Kreme

It’s back to school, college specifically for Luke Berry, the one time electronics salesman who met with a most fortunate accident and now is a living walking stud straight out of porn with a magical cock. When a feminist professor Lydia Caldwell, threatens to fail his son Josh, Luke decides it’s time to help the …

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The backfire isn’t over

Days Later... Billy's Bully Blitz Backfires by Kris P. Kreme

Days ago, Wally saw his best friend Billy walk into school more confident than ever, marching down the hall directly towards school bully Chet Matthews. After a confrontation there, Wally witnessed a series of increasingly disturbing events. From getting flashed by a sexy student to seeing police officers humping after Billy and Chet ran off, …

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The Chaos takes another serve

Stress Management Using Tennis by Kris P. Kreme

Melanie Truss was a talent on the court, ready to go pro and be quite the success. A simple injury changed all that and these days she manages life and stress the same way… using tennis. Coaching young adults she loves her job, takes it seriously, easily handles the students who don’t. Like the new …

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SINtendo’s VR is unforgettable

SINtendo Pocket Pussy VR Part Two by Kris P. Kreme

It began with Tom lusting after his girlfriend Stella, more than usual thanks to a summer internship she took. But SINtendo Pocket Pussy VR changed that, offering a way for him to literally screw her through a revolutionary portal like game on his phone. Unfortunately he couldn’t see who he was playing with and mistakenly …

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Take a dip into the Grab Bag for August

The Grab Bag #39 - One Deep Breath & Re Read by Kris P. Kreme

Does the summer heat have you hallucinating, or worse is it just stressing you out? Then perhaps you need to handle your anxiety like Mindy and take one deep breath. It’s a sure way to feeling like a stress free doll with plenty of time for things like reading. But when the words on the …

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Readers get Trapped once more

Booby Trapped: Last Sister Standing by Kris P. Kreme

Connie and Kalah have always gotten along, but that’s probably not a surprise as fraternal twins. Yet they know the same can’t be said for their father and poor older brother Seth who constantly gets mistreated. Unfortunately they may never get along again with each other after someone hacks Connie’s laptop informing the girls that …

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Readers like a Bad Girl

Bimbo Bombed Bad Girl by Kris P. Kreme

After a sweet girl named Lizzy finds a seemingly lost cellphone in the donations her church is collecting, she makes the fateful mistake of seeing if the phone is unlocked, taking on more than a mere message meant for the original owner of that phone. Lizzy has mistakenly been Bimbo Bombed, and the good girl …

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Readers are aware of SINtendo’s Side Effects

SINtendo Side Effects by Kris P. Kreme

A YouTube mega star with over ten million subscribers, Julie James is also quite possibly one of the most sexy gamer girls out there. When she accepts an invitation to meet with usually secretive game developers SINtech to test their latest greatest VR gaming gear, Julie may never be prepared for the side effects she …

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Take this for a migraine Readers

Massaging Away the Migraine by Kris P. Kreme

Annoyed with her close as family roommate Bella doing nothing to help with rent or anything, Denise plays a rather cruel joke. She tells Bella that an old family cure for headaches, especially migraines, is to squeeze and massage your boobs, to only be more brutal and rough with them the more severe the headache. …

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Just follow the manual Readers

Trance-tory Tutorial by Kris P. Kreme

Trance-tory products are known for many things, but as Lauren has discovered, being easy to set up is not one of them. On the phone, Lauren is waiting to be guided through a tutorial to get the Harmonizer she purchased on a whim to work. The Harmonizer promises to use the already present electronic distortions …

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It’s not always good to get a deal

Half Off! by Kris P. Kreme

Shopping for clothes that fit her better, Kiera ends up one of few customers at a department store having a big sale. But has this department store been targeted by a truly chaotic terrorist group with a penchant for the perverse? When a strangely quiet man enters and puts up a large HALF OFF! banner, …

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Call now Readers… Kustomer Service is waiting

Konversational Kustomer Service by Kris P. Kreme

When a new mother on her first shift back from maternity leave gets a talkative friendly customer on the line, she may be the one getting assisted. Cindy has been a bit embarrassed dressed in something nice as her boss and coworkers invited her out to celebrate after her shift. She’s not as nervous about …

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