Tag: Trance-tory Takeover

Just follow the manual Readers

Trance-tory Tutorial by Kris P. Kreme

Trance-tory products are known for many things, but as Lauren has discovered, being easy to set up is not one of them. On the phone, Lauren is waiting to be guided through a tutorial to get the Harmonizer she purchased on a whim to work. The Harmonizer promises to use the already present electronic distortions …

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The Smell of Success changes everyone

Smells like Success by Kris P. Kreme

Jason always wanted to be a success. Unfortunately he finds himself out of work, soon to be out of a marriage due to his corporate wife’s anger and teenage daughter’s disrespect. From having everything to feeling like he has nothing, Jason is frustrated by more than just a lack of job prospects. But when a …

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The 600th book of Kreme arrives!

600 Hours of S.M.U.T. by Kris P. Kreme

Get ready for the chaos to return, get ready for some serious S.M.U.T. Kendra is a smart dedicated graduate student working on a news breaking final thesis paper that will shed light on the terrorist organization known simply as S.M.U.T. But while hacking into their server collecting details of their organization, Kendra is caught, and …

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Things will never be the same. Trance-tory meets SINtendo.

SINtendo RObabe Repair by Kris P. Kreme

A SINtendo/Trance-tory Takeover Crossover! For Morti it’s a dream come true. In exchange for help with studies and tests, the hottest yet most innocent cheerleader in school, Taylor Kline, agreed to pose for some costumed pictures. A rare vintage game offers the perfect costume, SINtendo roBABE, a costume based game with micro-circuitry woven into the …

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No talk show is as Trance-tory as this one is

Trance-tory Talk Show by Kris P. Kreme

There’s much more than talk on the all new Trance-tory Talk Show. Unfortunately brand new fresh from college Beth has no idea she might be getting all the action this talk show has to offer. From the clothing they have her wear to the makeup applied before hitting the stage, Beth will be doing much …

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Trance-tory is simply shocking…

Shocking Obedience by Kris P. Kreme

Walter and Jennifer haven’t been married all that long, but that doesn’t mean Walter is a content man… not when Poopykins runs the house. A tiny terrier terror, Poopykins is Jennifer’s precious baby of a dog, and to Walter the menace is little more than an annoying bitch, quite literally. However, when Walter comes home …

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There’s nothing dim about a Trance-tory Takeover

Deena's Not so Dim by Kris P. Kreme

CEO of Tech Co. Charles has everything to celebrate, having recently acquired all new contracts and seeing his company rise to the top of its industry. However, his secretary Deena who might not be at the top of any IQ tests may have made a very serious mistake in allowing some new energy saving LED …

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Get wet with a Trance-tory Takeover

Weta nd Wild by Kris P. Kreme

All Marilyn wanted was a fun night out with her boyfriend, Wes. Unfortunately he messes up those plans by impulsively stopping at T-mart on the way home, buying several price reduced Trance-tory products. Insisting they can still make it a memorable night, Wes talks Marilyn into taking the new hose sprayer outside to water the …

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Trance-tory’s taste is unforgettable

Spermbot by Kris P. Kreme

Trance-tory takes over the Tech industry with the latest of debug services for phone app bots. Unfortunately Paula, the fittest woman in the gym, fails to take the warnings of an invasive Spermbot seriously and she may just end up paying a thirsty price. When her Fitness Form app informs her of a malicious Spermbot …

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The Takeover begins with a Pop-out Book

The Pop-out Book by Kris P. Kreme

Working at a discount bookstore, Amelia is in her element. A shy bookish but cute girl, Amelia has no idea that the latest arrival for the special bargains table may make a bargain out of her. The Pop-out Book is an error printing delivery to the store, meaning there were errors making the book so …

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August is Trance-tory Takeover Month

Trance-tory Takeover Month Promo -image

With the final part of Trance-tory appearing on Bimbo Story Club this month, it’s time for a Trance-tory Takeover for the rest of August! Seven new Trance-tory tales but there’s more! For the first time, a crossover between Trance-tory and SINtendo! So watch out readers! It’s Trance-tory time!